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Pramukh Type Pad is used for typing easily into Indian languages. It follows 'The way you speak, the way you type' rule. Following image shows which character will be shown by pressing which corresponding English letter. Example for various combination of letters are given only for one character but it is true for each alphabet.
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Total Records : 3440

Accession No. Book Name Author Publisher Subject Claim Book
29205 The Penguin Gandhi Reader. Mukherj ee Rudrangshu. Penguin Books. biography. Claim Book
29224 Washingtion The Indispensable Man. James Thomas Flexner. --- biography. Claim Book
29368 The Perfect Master. Purdom C. B. Williams and Norgate Ltd London. biography. Claim Book
29369 Patrick Henry. Forst Robert. Fawcett Pub. Inc. New York. biography. Claim Book
29370 The Right Of The People. Douglas William O. Pyramid books 444 Madison Avenue New York. biography. Claim Book
29372 The Life Of Vivekananda Universal Gospel. Rolland Romain. Advaita Ashrama Mayavati Almora Himalayas. biography. Claim Book
29380 Alexander pope . 1. Stephen Leslie. Macmillan & co . London. biography. Claim Book
29385 --- अज्ञात. --- biography. Claim Book
29619 Ramana Maharshi. Samsa Aithata. --- biography. Claim Book
29624 Vikramaditya. Murthy Sreenivasa. --- biography. Claim Book
30566 Modern world. Meherally Yusuf. padma pub . bom. biography. Claim Book
30577 Science Of Secred Books. Das Bhagavan. Thaeosophical Society. Bombay. biography. Claim Book
31228 Hume. Huxley. Macmillan&co. London. biography. Claim Book
33667 Kangchenjunga Adventure. Smythe F. S. --- biography. Claim Book
33668 Wonderings Of Spiritualist. Canon Doyle Arthur. --- biography. Claim Book
33669 Guide to Bombay. Macleanl J. M. Bomabay Gazetter . Bom. biography. Claim Book
33816 Life writings of Joseph Mazzini. Mazzini Joseph. Smith . London. biography. Claim Book
33817 Recollections. Morley John Viscount. Macmillon . London. biography. Claim Book
33818 Recolletions. Morley John Viscount. Macmillon . London. biography. Claim Book
33819 Evolution of Mrs. Besant. Besant Annie. Justic Printing . Madras. biography. Claim Book
33820 Heroes of the Flour. Gandhi M. K. Ganesh & co. Madras. biography. Claim Book
33821 Confessions of a Princess. Princess. John long . London. biography. Claim Book
33822 Anglo Indian Worthies. Munro Thomas. --- biography. Claim Book
33823 Bengal Celebrities. Ray Srikanta. City bk . Dept . biography. Claim Book
33824 History of Florence and The Prince. Machiaveli Niccolo. --- biography. Claim Book
33825 My Diary During The Last Great War. Russell W. H. G. Routledge. London. biography. Claim Book
33826 Last Days in The England of Rajah Rammohan Roy. R. R. R. L. F. Kolkata. Navjeevan Ahmedabad. biography. Claim Book
33827 Story of My Experiments with Truth. Gandhi M. K. --- biography. Claim Book
33829 Up From Slavery. Washington Brooker T. J. Nelson. London. biography. Claim Book
33830 What Manner Of Man. Bush Noel F. Harper. London. biography. Claim Book
33831 See Here Private Hargrove. Hargrove Manion. Sun Dial . N. York. biography. Claim Book
33832 Just Plain Bill. Davidson Bill. David Co. N. York. biography. Claim Book
33833 Gandhian Plan. Ranga N. G. Hind Kitab . Bombay. biography. Claim Book
33834 What I Owe To Gandhi And Congress. Japheth M. D. Hamara . Bombay. biography. Claim Book
33835 I Have It From Gandhj i. Gandhi M. K. N. Book . BOmbay. biography. Claim Book
33836 Exemplary And Instructive Biography. Chambers W. R. W. R. Chambers. Edinburg. biography. Claim Book
33837 Memoirs of F . Horner. Harms Francis. Chambers . Edinburg. biography. Claim Book
33839 Ezra And Me. Taber Harry Persons. Coward Macann . N. York. biography. Claim Book
33840 Selected Works Vol . IV. V. I. Lenin. Lowernce . London. biography. Claim Book
33841 Selected works Vol. VIII. Lenin V. I. Lowernce . London. biography. Claim Book
33842 Great Contemporaries. Churchill Winston S. J. Butlerworth . London. biography. Claim Book
33843 India of my Dreams. Gandhi M. K. Hind Kitab . Allahabad. biography. Claim Book
33844 Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. Franklin Benjamin. Cassell . London. biography. Claim Book
33845 Biography. Chambers W. W& R . Chambers. biography. Claim Book
33846 Indian & Home Memories. Cotton Henry. F. FIsher . London. biography. Claim Book
33847 My Memoirs. Slenbeil Marguerithe. G. Bell . London. biography. Claim Book
33848 My Memoirs. Stenbeil Margurite. G. Bell . London. biography. Claim Book
33849 Private Letter Of The Marquess Of Dalhousie. Marquess Of Dalhousie. W. Blackwood. London. biography. Claim Book
33850 Private Diary of A. R. Pillai. Pillai Anand Ranga. Govt. Press . Madras. biography. Claim Book
33851 Private Diary of A. R. Pillai.2. Pillai Anand Ranga. Govt. Press . Madras. biography. Claim Book
33852 English Social Reformers. Gibbins H. De. B. Methuen & co . London. biography. Claim Book
33853 Account Of My Life. Begam Nawad Sultan J. John Murray. London. biography. Claim Book
33854 Great Philosophers. Munshi Kanaiyalal M . Bharatiya V. B. Bombay. biography. Claim Book
33855 Indian Empire. Hunter William Wilson. Trunber . London. biography. Claim Book
33856 Chinese. Davis John Francis. C. Knight. London. biography. Claim Book
33857 Hazarin. Hassall Arthur. Macmillon . London. biography. Claim Book
33858 Curdinal Wolsey. Creighton Mandell. Macmillon . London. biography. Claim Book
33859 Benjamin Franklin. Franklin Benjamin. --- biography. Claim Book
33860 Life of the won W. G. Gladstone. Gladstone William E. --- biography. Claim Book
33861 Life of Bengamin Disraeli. Disraeli Benjamin. John Murray. London. biography. Claim Book
33862 Ishtur Phakde. Phadke Ishtur. Times Press. Bombay. biography. Claim Book
33863 My Father. Stead Estelle W. T. Nelson . London. biography. Claim Book
33864 From 55 A week To LaYear. Elight Men Who Have Done It. G. Newnes . London. biography. Claim Book
33865 Lives ofIndian Officers. Kaye John William. Strabun & Co. London. biography. Claim Book
33866 My Reminiscences. Tagore Rabindranath. Macmillon . London. biography. Claim Book
33867 Three Tours In India & Ceylon. Maharaja Of Kolhapur. Mission press . Kolhapur. biography. Claim Book
33868 Journal of A Disappointed Man. Barbellion W. N. P. Chatto Windus. London. biography. Claim Book
33869 Vaishnavite Reformers Of India. Rajgopalachariar T. G. A. Nateson . Madras. biography. Claim Book
33870 Mr. Dooley In Peace and In War. Dooley Thomas A . G. Routledge . London. biography. Claim Book
33871 Memories And Portraits Memoris of Himself selections from his notebook. Stevenson Robert Louis. W. Heinemann. London. biography. Claim Book
33872 Memoirs of Mr. C. J. Yellowplush. Yellowplush Charles J. . Cillins Clear . London. biography. Claim Book
33873 Sunny Side Of Diplomatic Life 1875- 1912. Dettegermann L. Harrap Bros. London. biography. Claim Book
33874 Indian Nation Builders. Ganesh & Co. Ganesh & co . Madras. biography. Claim Book
33875 Inidan Nation Builders. Ganesh & Co. Ganesh & co . Madras. biography. Claim Book
33876 Hume. Hume. W. Blackwood . London. biography. Claim Book
33877 Indian Worthies. Manoranjak Granth. M. G. P. M. Bom. biography. Claim Book
33878 Descartes. Descartes. W. Blackwood . London. biography. Claim Book
33879 Daniel Oconnell. Oconnell Daniel. G. P. Putnam . London. biography. Claim Book
33880 Momoirs of A Cot. Roy M. N. Rebaissance . Dhradun. biography. Claim Book
33881 Cottish Chiees. Porter Jane. Ward Lock . London. biography. Claim Book
33882 Anthony Eden. Raskay L. Pallas . London. biography. Claim Book
33883 History of Tom Johnes. Henry Fielding. --- biography. Claim Book
33884 Diana A Strange Autobiography. Frederick Diana. Kitabistan . Allahabad. biography. Claim Book
33885 Socrates. Zellers E. Longman . London. biography. Claim Book
33886 Life of Washington. Washington Irving. G.P. Putham . N. York. biography. Claim Book
33887 Benjamin Franklin. Tomkinson E. M. Cassell. London. biography. Claim Book
33888 Bench and Bar. Robinson. Hurst . biography. Claim Book
33889 Lord Tennyson. Tennyson. George Bell . London. biography. Claim Book
33890 Master Minds In Art Science And Letters. Davenport Adams W. H. John Hogg. London. biography. Claim Book
33891 Shah Namesh of the Parsian Poet Firdausi. Atkinson J. A. Fredrick. London. biography. Claim Book
33892 Men of Invention and Industry The world workers. Smiles Samuel. John Murray . London. biography. Claim Book
33893 Guthrie Father Mathew Elihu Burnitt Joseph Livesey. Kirlon John William. Cassell . London. biography. Claim Book
33894 Worlds workers : Florence Nightingale etc. Alldrigade Lizzie. Cassell . London. biography. Claim Book
33895 Sir Henry Havelock and Colin Camphell LOrd Clyde. Philips E. C. Cassell . London. biography. Claim Book
33896 Dr. Arnold of Rugby. Selte Rose E. Cassell . London. biography. Claim Book
33897 Charles Dickens. Dickens. cassell. london. biography. Claim Book
33898 Handel. Clarke Eliza. Cassell. London. biography. Claim Book
33899 General Gorden. Swaube S. A . Cassell. London. biography. Claim Book
33900 Turner the Artist. Swajne S. A. Cassell . London. biography. Claim Book
33901 David Livingston. Smiles Robert. Cassell . London. biography. Claim Book
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