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Total Records : 167

Accession No. Book Name Author Publisher Subject Claim Book
32061 Animal World. Gamble F. W. Willaims Norgate . London. Agriculature. Claim Book
32201 How to treat common elements of farm aillments. Douryman Hoard. W.D. Hoard . wis. Agriculature. Claim Book
32202 Better Dairy Herds Through Breeding. Dairyman Hoard. W.D. Hoard . wis. Agriculature. Claim Book
32203 Elements ofAgriculture chemistry. Johnston James F. W. william Blackwood . LOndon. Agriculature. Claim Book
32204 Manual for gardening forBengal & upper India. Thomas A. C. Fairminger. Thacker spink. Calcutta. Agriculature. Claim Book
32211 Agriculture. Somerville William. W. Norgate . London. Agriculature. Claim Book
32212 Life of Bee. Maeterlink Maurice. George Allen . London. Agriculature. Claim Book
32213 Co operation in Agriculture. Wolff Henry H. P.S. King. London. Agriculature. Claim Book
32214 Lift Irrigation. Chatterton Alfred. G. A. Nakson. Madras. Agriculature. Claim Book
32215 Awakening of England. Green F. E. Thomos Nelhos . London. Agriculature. Claim Book
32216 Evolution fo British Cattle. Wilson James Vintonand Co. Leondon. Agriculature. Claim Book
32217 Agriculture in Thetropics. Wills J. C. Univer. Press. Cambridge. Agriculature. Claim Book
32218 Short Story Of English Agriculture. Curtler W. H. R. Clarendon. Agriculature. Claim Book
32220 Principles of Manuring. Aikman C. W. W. Blackwood . LOndon. Agriculature. Claim Book
32221 Indian Agriculture. Mollison Jim. Adcocate of India . Bom. Agriculature. Claim Book
32222 Indian Agriculture. Mollison Jim. Adcocate of India . Bom. Agriculature. Claim Book
32223 Indian Agriculture. Mollison Jim. Advocate of India . Bom. Agriculature. Claim Book
32224 Reports and Comments on the Proposed survery settlement. Goverment Central Press. Govt. centra . Press. N. Delhi. Agriculature. Claim Book
32225 Plant life. Farmer J. B. W. Norgate . Lond. Agriculature. Claim Book
32226 Small farm. Long James. Smith Elder . London. Agriculature. Claim Book
32227 Book Keeping. Jngils W. --- Agriculature. Claim Book
32228 Indian Cattle and Sheep. Shorff John. higgin botharm . Madrass. Agriculature. Claim Book
32229 Catalogue of the forest Ttrees Morris Desmond. Henry Herber . Ceylon. Agriculature. Claim Book
32230 Horse. Cecil. R. George . LOn. Agriculature. Claim Book
32231 Principles of Rational Africulture. Schrottky Eugene C. Times of India . Bom. Agriculature. Claim Book
32232 Elements of the Agriculture of Bombay Precidency. Mehta P. R. Govt. Cen . Bom. Agriculature. Claim Book
32233 Living in the Country. Smith F. D. & WIlcox B. A.&C. Black. London. Agriculature. Claim Book
32234 Lectures On Electricity And Galvanism. Bird Golding. Longman. London. Agriculature. Claim Book
32235 Introductory Text Book of Geology. Page David. W. Blackwood . Bom. Agriculature. Claim Book
32236 Co - operative Movement In India. Raina J. L. D.B. Taaraporewalla. Bom. Agriculature. Claim Book
32237 Man Microbe & Malady. Drew John. Penguin . N. York. Agriculature. Claim Book
32238 Make Fruitful theLand. George Stapledon C. Kegan paul . London. Agriculature. Claim Book
32239 Firm Management. Ward & Lock. Word lock . lon. Agriculature. Claim Book
32240 Ants Bees 7 Wasps. Lubback John. Keganpaul. lon. Agriculature. Claim Book
32241 How Crops Grow. Johnson Samuet W. Orange Judd . N. York. Agriculature. Claim Book
32242 How crops Grow. Johnson Samuet W. orange Judd . N. York. Agriculature. Claim Book
32243 Indian Botany. Gregg W. H. Thacker spink . Calcutta. Agriculature. Claim Book
32244 Agricultural Progress in Western India. Keatinge G. Longmans. Green . Lon. Agriculature. Claim Book
32245 Techinque Of Rural Rel. in India. R. U. Parmar. Jayant . Bom Agriculature. Claim Book
32247 Two Collective Farms. Nikolyeva Galing. F.L.p. Moscow. Agriculature. Claim Book
32249 Home Nursing. Matilda. T.C. & W.C. Jock . N. York. Agriculature. Claim Book
32250 Agricultural Chemistry. Sibson Alfred. --- Agriculature. Claim Book
32259 Growing Vegetable for show. Janes E. R. Penguin . lon. Agriculature. Claim Book
32260 Annual Report Of Agricultuer In The State Of Bombay. Department Of Agriculture Of Bombay. Yerwada. Pune. Agriculature. Claim Book
32261 Land Reform in new China. Ganguli B. N. Ranjit . Delhi. Agriculature. Claim Book
32262 How The Tillers Win Back Their Land. Chien Hisao. F. L. P. Peking. Agriculature. Claim Book
32263 Annual Report of Agriculture. Department Of Agriculture Of Bombay. Yerwada . Poona. Agriculature. Claim Book
32264 Annual Report Of Agriculture In The State Of Bombay. Department Of Agriculture Of Bombay. Yerwada. Pune. Agriculature. Claim Book
32265 Geological Survey. Oldham Thomos. W& Nargate . Calc. Agriculature. Claim Book
32281 Agrarion Reforms in Bombay. Patel Govindlal D. G.D. Patel . Bom. Agriculature. Claim Book
32282 Annual Report Of The Dept. Of Agriculture In The Province Of Bombay. Department Of Agriculture Of Bombay. Yerwada. Pune. Agriculature. Claim Book
32284 Annual Report Of Agriculture Dept In The State Of Bombay. Department Of Agriculture Of Bombay. Yerwada. Pune. Agriculature. Claim Book
32285 Colonial and Indian Exhibition. Simes Ransomes & Jefferies. orwell works. Jpswich. Agriculature. Claim Book
35347 Jungle In Sunlight And Shadow. Champion F. W. Chatto & Windus. London. Agriculature. Claim Book
35586 Hutchinsons Pictorical Encyclopaedia. Hutchinson Walter. Physical Culture N. York. Agriculature. Claim Book
35587 Hutchinsons Pictorical Encyclopaedia. Hutchinson Walter. Physical Culture . N. York. Agriculature. Claim Book
35866 Book of Garden Management. Lock Ward. W & L. London. Agriculature. Claim Book
35988 Public Finance. Bhargava R. N. Chaitarya. Allahabad. Agriculature. Claim Book
36013 Tweeds Poultry Keeping IN India. Tweed. T. Spink . Calcutta. Agriculature. Claim Book
36115 Indian Trade Unions. Karnik V. B. L. E. S. Bombay. Agriculature. Claim Book
39163 Weed Control. Robbins Wilfred W. U.S.Infotrmation Lab Bombay. Agriculature. Claim Book
40446 Season and Crop report Maharastra state 1970-71. Government Of Maharashtra. Director Gov. of Maha. Bom. Agriculature. Claim Book
40725 Sleep and dreams. Luce Gay Gaer. & Segal Julius. William Heinzeman ltd. Agriculature. Claim Book
41088 Hand book of horticulture. Patwardhan G. B. & Deshmukh G. B. --- Agriculature. Claim Book
41091 Department of Agricultureal. Government Of Bombay. --- Agriculature. Claim Book
41215 Typography of Dewangari. Vol. 1. Naik Bapurao S. Govt . Centrel press . Bom. Agriculature. Claim Book
41216 Typography of Devangari. Vol. 2. Naik Bapurao S. Govt. Central press. bom. Agriculature. Claim Book
41217 Typography of Devanagari vol.3. Naik Bapurao S. Govt. Central press. bom. Agriculature. Claim Book
41408 Roses. Throwers Percy. London. Agriculature. Claim Book
41512 Water and life. Milne Lorus. & Margery Milne. Bombay. Agriculature. Claim Book
41544 Verandal Gardening. Cowen D. V. Bombay. Agriculature. Claim Book
41902 Bharat Krishaksamaj 1964. Deshmuksh. R. B. Deshpande. Delhi. Agriculature. Claim Book
41945 World Architecture. Copplestone Trewin. The Hamlyn Pub. N. Y. Agriculature. Claim Book
42550 Forest and Forestry. Sagreiya K. P. National book trust Delhi. Agriculature. Claim Book
42551 Forest and Forestry. Sagreiya K. P. National book trust Delhi. Agriculature. Claim Book
42552 Forest And Forestry. Sagreiya K. P. National book trust Delhi. Agriculature. Claim Book
42553 Forest And Forestry. Sagreiya K. P. National book trust Delhi. Agriculature. Claim Book
42554 Forest And Forestry. Sagreiya K. P. National book trust Delhi. Agriculature. Claim Book
42580 Panther On The Prowl. Chaturvedi M. D. National Book Trust. Delhi. Agriculature. Claim Book
42581 Panther On The Prowl. Chaturvedi M. D. National Book Trust. Delhi. Agriculature. Claim Book
42582 Panther On The Prowl. Chaturvedi M. D. National Book Trust. Delhi. Agriculature. Claim Book
42583 Panther On The Prowl. Chaturvedi M. D. National Book Trust. Delhi. Agriculature. Claim Book
42584 Panther On The Prowl. Chaturvedi M. D. National Book Trust. Delhi. Agriculature. Claim Book
42595 Garden Flowers. Swarap Vishnu. National book trust Delhi. Agriculature. Claim Book
42596 Garden Flowers. Swarap Vishnu. National Book Trust N.Delhi. Agriculature. Claim Book
42597 Garden Flowers. Swarap Vishnu. National Book Trust N.Delhi. Agriculature. Claim Book
42598 Garden Flowers. Swarap Vishnu. National Book Trust N.Delhi. Agriculature. Claim Book
42599 Garden Flowers. Swarap Vishnu. National Book Trust N.Delhi. Agriculature. Claim Book
42738 Vegetables. Choudhury B. National book trust Delhi. Agriculature. Claim Book
42739 Vegetables. Choudhury B. National book trust Delhi. Agriculature. Claim Book
42740 Vegetables. Choudhury B. National book trust Delhi. Agriculature. Claim Book
42741 Vegetables. Choudhury B. National book trust Delhi. Agriculature. Claim Book
42742 Vegetables. Choudhury B. National book trust Delhi. Agriculature. Claim Book
43152 Our trees. Sinha R. P. N. Publications Division . N. Delhi. Agriculature. Claim Book
43153 Our trees. Sinha R. P. N. Publications Division . N. Delhi. Agriculature. Claim Book
43154 Our trees. Sinha R. P. N. Publications Division . N. Delhi. Agriculature. Claim Book
44763 Your Food And You. Acharya K. T. Na.Book Trust N.Delhi. Agriculature. Claim Book
44781 Man Made Forests. Kondas S. Publication Dip. N.Delhi. Agriculature. Claim Book
44787 Archaeology In India. Goverment Of India. Publication Div. N. Delhi. Agriculature. Claim Book
44792 Alpana. Goverment Of India. Publication Div. N. Delhi. Agriculature. Claim Book
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