Accession No. | Book Name | Author | Publisher | Subject | Claim Book |
31719 | Course Of Mathematics. | Cape John. | Longman. London. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
31720 | Course Of Mathcatics. | Cape John. | Longman. London. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
31721 | Conic Sections. | Drew W. H. | Macmillon . London. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
31876 | Logarithms. | Law Henry. | John Weale . London. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
31877 | Practical Arithmatic. | Joyce James. | Time press. Bom. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
31880 | Key to Routherford Education of huttons course of Mathematics. | Huttons. | william . tegg. londo. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
31884 | Algebra. | Desai And Shah. | --- | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
31885 | Rudimentary Arithmetic. | Hodder James. | John weale. London. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
31899 | Analytical Geometry. | Hann James. | John Weale . London. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
31909 | Geometry. | Ritchie William. | Tayler & wall . London. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
31923 | Practical Geometry. | Burn Robert Scott. | Ingram . London. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
31944 | ABC of Relativity. | Russell Bertrand. | American Lib. N. York. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
31949 | Book Keeping and Advanced Accounts. | Longmans. | Longmans . London. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
31950 | Physics Experiments at home. | Savary T. H. | --- | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
31951 | One | Savary T. H. | A. Library . N. York. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
35979 | De Montes Interest Table. | De Montes. | T. of India . Bombay. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
39147 | Realm of Numbers. | Asimov Isaac. | H.M.Com. Biston. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
39238 | Bibliography use of Thesea. | Amos | American Lib Bombay. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
39761 | Statistics. | Kumbhj kar G. V. | M.V.Phadke & Co. Kolhpaur. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
40107 | Practical Commercial Arithmetic. | Sutaria D. C. | Oxford Un. press London. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
40126 | Elementary Statistics. | Salunkhe K. M. | S.N. Lunavat Statara. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
41059 | Pare solid Geanietry. | Mahajani G. S. | Poona. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
41390 | An Introduction to Calculus and Algibra. | Open University Press. | London. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
41494 | Modern home Nursing And first aid. | Keele K. D. | London. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
41495 | Tweedys practical Obstetrics. | Solomons Bethe. | London. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
45551 | Mathematics Can Be fun. | Perelman Yakov. | Mir Pub. Moscow. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
45655 | Basic Programming. | Sampath S. & Wasan S. K. | Macmillan India Limited N.Delhi. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
60250 | Computers. | क्षितीज प्रका. | क्षितीज प्रका. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
60900 | How to Manage computer at work. | Jones Graham. | Jaico pub. ho. Delhi. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
60901 | How to Use The Internet. | Jones Graham. | Jaico pub. ho. Delhi. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
61010 | Everyday Mathematics. | Bhagwat R. M. | National Trust Book. India. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
61013 | Low Cost No Cost Teaching Aids. | Dasgupta Mary Ann. | National Trust Book. India. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
61057 | Learning Compupter Skills 5. | Jassal T. P. S. | UBS. Pub Delhi. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
61058 | Learning Computer Skills 6. | Jassal T. P. S. | UBS. Pub Delhi. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
62236 | Super Computers. | Rajaraman V. | University press.India. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
62237 | Computer Internet and multimedia Dic. | Verma Surendra. | University press.India. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
62238 | Knots and Surfaces. | Farmer David W. | University press.India. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
64514 | Trigonometry. | Abbott P. | Rastogi Pub. delhi. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
65040 | Story of zero. | Salwi Dilip M. | UBS. Pub Delhi. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
66364 | Internet Shopping. | Preston Geoff. | Computer Step . England. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
67626 | Indian Mathematics and Astronomy : some Landmarks. | Rao S Balachandra. | Jnana Deep pub. Bangalore. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
68523 | Principles of Computer. | Kapoor Arun. | Ankit Pub. Jaipur. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
73738 | Romping in numberland. | Srinavasan P. K. | National Book trust . Delhi. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
73765 | Everday Mathematics. | Bhagwat R. M. | National Book Trusr. India. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
73801 | The Telecom story and the Internet. | Rajan Mohan Sundara. | National Books Trust . India. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
75743 | Bibliometrics with the help of computer. | Bandyopadhyay Amit kumar. | Ruma Bandyopadhyay bur. W.B. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
78948 | Get more from your p.c. | Readers Union. | Readers Union . London. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
90846 | Ouestions And Answers In Accontancy For CA PE-I. | Tulsian P. C. | McGraw - Hill Publishing Co. Delhi. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
90875 | Mathematics Laoratory Activities. | Chona Shayama. | HarAnand Pub. Delhi. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
90898 | Questions And Answers In Statistics For CA PE - 1. | Jain D. R. | Mc Graw Hill Publishing Delhi. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
90931 | Questions And Answers In Mathematics For CA PE I. | Jain D. R. | Mc Graw Hill Publications Delhi. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
92200 | The Beautiful world of Mathematics. | Choudhury Ranjana. | abacus Guwahati. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
92523 | The Beautiful World Of Mathematics. | Chodhury Ranjana. | Abacus Guwahati. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
93596 | The History Of Mathematics - Algebra 1. | Tabak John. | Viva Book Private Ltd | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
93597 | The Histoty Of Mathmatics - Geometry 2. | Tabak John. | Viva Books Private Ltd Delhi. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
93598 | The History Of Mathematics - Mathematics Laws and the Nature 3. | Tabak John. | Viva Books Private Ltd | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
93599 | The History Of Mathematics - Numbers 4. | Tabak John. | Viva Books Private Ltd | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
93600 | The History Of Mathematics - Probability and Statistics 5. | Tabak John. | Viva Books Private Ltd | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
94666 | Make Computers Speak Your Language. | Sahu Barun Kumar. | Unicorn Books Delhi. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
95569 | Operating Systems. | Godbole Achyut. | McGraw Hioll Publishing House Delhi. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
96018 | Learners Dictionary Of Computer. | Sengupt Ramola. | Saint Joseph Publication Delhi. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
96285 | Mathematics Can Be Fun. | Perelman Yakov. | Mir Publisher Moscow. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
96763 | Mathamatical Formulae. | Mohan D. | Swati Book House Vijaywada. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
97253 | The Nature And Growth Of Modern Mathematics. | Kramer Edna E. | A Fawcett Premier Book Delhi. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
97278 | Instant Reference Windows 98. | Zee Education. | --- | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
97287 | Visual C++. | Singh Vishnu. | Asian Publishers Delhi. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
98687 | Implementing Tally 9. | Nadhani Asok K. | BPB Publications Delhi. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
98825 | Mathematical Mysteries. | Clawson Calvin C. | Viva Books Delhi. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
98925 | Vedic Arithmetics. | Majumdar Kanti. | Multi Books Kolkata. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
98988 | Elementary Computor Applications. | Lall Shubhi. | National Publishing House Delhi. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
99047 | Learning Mental Maths. | Gosain Ashok. | Har Anand Publishing Delhi. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
99048 | Learning Mental Maths. | Gosain Ashok. | Har Anand Publishing Delhi. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
101164 | God Created The Integers. | Hawking Stephen W. | Penguin Books Delhi. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
101968 | Elementary Geometry. | Baker W. Morrant | George Bell Sons London. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
101980 | Higher Algebra. | Hall H. S. | Macmillan Company London. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
102414 | Dynamic Memory Advance DTP Course. | Minhas Davinder Singh. | Fusion Books Delhi. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
102444 | Introduction to Information Technology. | Sexena Sanjay. | Vikas Publishing House Delhi. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
106281 | Mathematical Games & Puzles. | Thaur Rajesh Kumar. | Divyansh Publications. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
107435 | Tips and Tricks Word 2010. | Minhas Davinder Singh. | Diamond Books Delhi. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
107436 | Tips and Tricks Windows 7. | Minhas Davinder Singh. | Diamond Books Delhi. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
107437 | Tips and Tricks Excel 2010. | Minhas Davinder Singh. | Diamond Books Delhi. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
110859 | Vadic Maths. | Gupta H. K. | BPI India Pvt Ltd Delhi. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
112084 | Gayatris Maths Mantra. | Lodha Gayatri. | Mehta Publishing House Pune. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
112785 | Dictionary Of Computer. | Gosain Ashok. | Har Anand Publication Delhi. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
114375 | Asutosh Mookerjee Mathesis Of Mathematics. | Palit Chittabrata. | Readers Service Kolkata. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
116219 | Mathematics. | Katakwal Renu Singh. | Mahanada Prakashan Delhi. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
116383 | Vedic Ganit-Arithmetics. | Majumdar Kanti. | Majumdar kamal Kolkata. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
118600 | How To Do Just about Anything On A Computer. | Reader Degest Delhi. | Reader Digest Association Delhi. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
119308 | Computer Application in Management. | Sharma Deepti. | Ane Books Pvt Ltd. Delhi. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
119432 | Microsoft Office 97. | Rain Diana. | BPB Publication Delhi. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
120017 | Elements Of Computer Science. | Gupta Shalini. | Anmol Publication Delhi. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
120076 | Complete Mathematics Jee Main. | McGraw. | McGraw Hill Publishing House Delhi. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
121309 | What Is Mathematics. | Shetty Balkrishna. | National Book Trust India. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
128141 | Research Methodology. | Chadel Sunil Singh. | S. K. Book Agency Delhi. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
128368 | Statistical Methods For Research. | Kalyanaraman K. | Atlantic Publishers Delhi. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
128991 | Learn Tally ERP 9. | Chheda Rajesh U. | Ane Books Pvt Ltd. Delhi. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
129919 | Elements of Data Mining. | Gurao Rajendra G. | Chandralok Prakashan Kanpur. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
132207 | Advanced Dictionary of Mathematics Formulas. | Thakur Rajesh Kumar. | Ocean Books Pvt. Ltd. Delhi. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
135933 | History of Hindu Mathematics. | Datta Bibhutibhushan. | Bharatiya Kala Prakashan Delhi. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |
136262 | Complete Mathematics. | Prakash Ravi. | Sage Publication Delhi. | Mathematics. | Claim Book |