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Total Records : 59

Accession No. Book Name Author Publisher Subject Claim Book
32346 Residential Buildings Suited To India. Deshpande R. S. Deshpande. Pune. Architecture. Claim Book
32348 Notes On Shri Mahalaxmi Temple Kolhapur. Kundangar K. G. Kundangar . Kolhapur . Architecture. Claim Book
32349 Notes On Shri Mahalaxmi Temple Kolhapur. Kundangar K. G. Kundagar. Kolhapur Architecture. Claim Book
32350 Architecture In England. Summerson John. Brirish Councill .London. Architecture. Claim Book
32359 Cheap And Healthy Homes. Deshpande R. S. Deshpande . Poona. Architecture. Claim Book
32368 Architecture. Lethaby W. R. W.& Nargate . Lon. Architecture. Claim Book
32390 History of the Modern stylesof Architecture. Ferguson James. John Marray . Lon. Architecture. Claim Book
32391 Small House. Martin Arthur. Alstone House . Lon. Architecture. Claim Book
32399 Architecture. Bell Arthur. Peoples . Bom. Architecture. Claim Book
32405 Ancient Art And Ritual. Harrison Jane E. W. Norgate . Lon. Architecture. Claim Book
32407 Hand Book Of Town And Village Planning. Bhesasgaonkar V. K. Bhedasgaonkar. Nagpur. Architecture. Claim Book
32410 Frank Lioyd wright. Forsee Aylesa. Berkley . N. York. Architecture. Claim Book
32417 National Theatre For India. Dhingra Baldoon. Padma. Bombay. Architecture. Claim Book
32432 Greek Art. Craven Thomas. Pocket Books. N. York. Architecture. Claim Book
32435 Fundaments Of Indian Art. Dasgupta Surendranath. Hindustan. Bombay. Architecture. Claim Book
32448 Persian art. Royal Academy Of Arts. Exhibition office. Architecture. Claim Book
32450 Improve your home. Frankell Lee. Jery Mason . N. York. Architecture. Claim Book
32452 Aztecs ofMezixo. Vaillant George C. Penguin . LOndon. Architecture. Claim Book
32458 Budhist shrines in India. Ministry Of Information & Broadcasting. Publications Division . N. Delhi. Architecture. Claim Book
32460 Styles of Architecture In England. Rickman Thomas. Parkar . London. Architecture. Claim Book
32461 Indian hand book of Gardening. Frederick Speed G. T. W. Thacker. Calcutta. Architecture. Claim Book
32462 Dissection ofthe Human Body. Holden Luther. J&a Churchill. LOn. Architecture. Claim Book
32463 Crystal Palace. Berigh P. Saues Gilbert . Lon. Architecture. Claim Book
32465 Marvels of Architecture. Donald Robyn. Cassell. LOn. Architecture. Claim Book
32468 History of Architecture. James Fergusson. John Murrary . Lon. Architecture. Claim Book
32469 History of Architecture. Ferguson James. John Murray .Lon. Architecture. Claim Book
32470 Seven wonders ofworld. Routledge George. G. Routledge . Lon. Architecture. Claim Book
32504 Lyrical poetry from Blake to Hardy. Grierson H. J. C. Viirginia woolf . London. Architecture. Claim Book
32505 Studies in Shadespeare. Nicoll Allardyce. Hogarth Press. Lon. Architecture. Claim Book
35337 Annual Report of the Archaeological Survey of India 1928- 29. Hargreaves H. Manager of Publication . Delhi. Architecture. Claim Book
35384 Italian Renaissance. Wickham A. K. Chatto & Windus . London. Architecture. Claim Book
35399 Scottish Art. Finlay Jan. British Councill . London. Architecture. Claim Book
35941 New Soviet Theatre. Maclend Joseph. G. Allen . London. Architecture. Claim Book
36407 American Architecture. Creighton Thomas H. R.D. Luce Washington. Architecture. Claim Book
40228 Highway and the city. Mumford Lewis. A Mentor book America. Architecture. Claim Book
43173 Indo Islamic Architecture. Din Ziyaud & Deasi A. Publications Division . N. Delhi. Architecture. Claim Book
43174 Indo Islamic Architecture. Din Ziyaud & Deasi A. Publications Division . N. Delhi. Architecture. Claim Book
44830 Alpana. Publication Division Government of India. N. Delhi. Architecture. Claim Book
44831 Alpana. Publication Division Government of India. Director Pub. Div. N. Delhi. Architecture. Claim Book
44832 Alpana. Publication Division Government of India. Director Pub. Div. N. Delhi. Architecture. Claim Book
44833 Alpana. Publication Division Government of India. Director Pub. Div. N. Delhi. Architecture. Claim Book
44834 Alpana. Publication Division Government of India. Director Pub. Div. N. Delhi. Architecture. Claim Book
45639 Indo Islamic Architecutue. Desai Ziyaud Din. Publications Division .Delhi. Architecture. Claim Book
54210 Indian Craft Tradition. Chattopadhayay Kamaladevi. Pub Divi. Delhi. Architecture. Claim Book
54263 Heritage of Indian Art. Agrawal Vasudev S. Pub Division. Delhi. Architecture. Claim Book
79704 Sculpture. Janneau G. Golden press N. York. Architecture. Claim Book
95969 Pyramids and Ancient Egypt. Goswami Anuradha. Natun Shatak Kolkata. Architecture. Claim Book
127961 Indian Architecture and Sculptures. Malhotra Kapil. Point Publication Allahabad. Architecture. Claim Book
130895 The Architecture Of The Hindus. Raz Ram. Aryan Books International Delhi. Architecture. Claim Book
133710 Hindu Architecture. Pillai Govind Krishna. Bharatiya Kala Prakashan Delhi. Architecture. Claim Book
135891 Archirecture of Ancient India. Varma N. K. Rahi Prakashan Delhi. Architecture. Claim Book
136073 History of Mughal Architecture. Singh Lalit Kumar. Meenakshi Prakashan Allahabad. Architecture. Claim Book
139847 Elements Of Ancient Indian Temple Culture. Trivedi Sumit. Tejasvi Publication Delhi. Architecture. Claim Book
143818 Ancient Art Architecutre and Environment. Chandra Rajesh. Write & Print Publication New Delhi. Architecture. Claim Book
143819 Architectural Style and Design. Saxena Raghav. Write & Print Publication New Delhi. Architecture. Claim Book
143825 Stories of Storeys Art, Architecture and the City. Bhatia Gautam. Sage Publications. Delhi. Architecture. Claim Book
143850 Cave Temples of India. Sharma K.K. Kitabwale New Delhi. Architecture. Claim Book
144545 Art, Architecture and Archaeology of India. Chadhar Mohan Lal. Avon Publications New Delhi. Architecture. Claim Book
145140 Panorama of Indian Indigenous Architecture. Handa O.C. Pentagon Press, New Delhi. Architecture. Claim Book
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