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Pramukh Type Pad is used for typing easily into Indian languages. It follows 'The way you speak, the way you type' rule. Following image shows which character will be shown by pressing which corresponding English letter. Example for various combination of letters are given only for one character but it is true for each alphabet.
character map

Total Records : 463

Accession No. Book Name Author Publisher Subject Claim Book
30399 History Of Educational Thought. Cole Percival R. Oxford University Press. Education. Claim Book
30400 Education of a Community today & Tomarrow. Stead H. G. University press. Kent. Education. Claim Book
30401 Studies In British Empire . 1. Mohan M. C. Forward Bureau . Lahora. Education. Claim Book
30402 Kingdom of the Mind. Monsbridge Albert. Meridian press. Education. Claim Book
30415 Guide to Indian studies . Mohan M. C. & Kashuapa. Forward Bureau . Lahore. Education. Claim Book
30416 Lecuture On Lectures. Couch Arthur Quiller. Hogarth Press. London. Education. Claim Book
30417 School. Findley J.J. william & Nargate . Bom. Education. Claim Book
30418 Creative art of life. Munshi Kanaiyalal M . Padma pub. Bom. Education. Claim Book
30419 Plain Living & High Thinking. Davenport Adams W. H. Issac Pitman . London. Education. Claim Book
30420 Scentific Bans Of Womans Education. Chiplunkar G. M. S. B. H. Pune. Education. Claim Book
30421 Educating For Democracy. Cohen J. I. & Travers M. W. Macmillan & Co. London. Education. Claim Book
30422 Research in Education. Oliver R. A. C. George Allen. London. Education. Claim Book
30423 Youths Noble Path. Gould F. J. Longmans London. Education. Claim Book
30424 Education inthe 19th Century. Roberts R. D. Uni. press. Camgridge. Education. Claim Book
30425 Public Education inthe U.S.S.R. Leonova O. foreign Long.P. Moscoo. Education. Claim Book
30426 Papers Relating To The Examination Of The Law Classes. Bombay Education Society. B. E. S. Bom. Education. Claim Book
30427 Boys and their ways. One Who Knows Them. john hogg. LOndon. Education. Claim Book
30428 Essays on Liberal Education. Farrar Frederick W. Macmillan & co. London. Education. Claim Book
30429 Advice To Young Men. Cobbett William M. Ward & Lock. London. Education. Claim Book
30430 Indian Education in Ancient Later Times . 1. Keay F. E. Humphrey. Education. Claim Book
30431 Chilclrens Hour with Uncle Arthur . Maxwell Arthur S. Review and Herold . washigton. Education. Claim Book
30432 On Education. Anand Mulk R. Hind Kitab. Bom. Education. Claim Book
30433 First Fitty Years. National ass of head teachers. unniversity press. London. Education. Claim Book
30434 Essential Education. Niblett W. R. uni. press. London. Education. Claim Book
30435 Symposium on past war education in india. Menon T. K. N. Pad. Baroda. Education. Claim Book
30436 Increase in Fess . Gokhale G.N. Education. Karachi. Education. Claim Book
30437 Science and Education inthe U.S.S.R. Pinkevich A. Victor Gollancz. London. Education. Claim Book
30438 Educational Institutions of poona. Patankar N. V. Hindmata Puatak Mandir. Education. Claim Book
30439 Character Buliding Thought power. Trine Ralph Waldo. G. Bell & sons. London. Education. Claim Book
30440 Practical Methods for self development. Towne Elizabeth. Elizabeth . Massarbus. Education. Claim Book
30441 Laws of Everday Life . Arnold Forster H. O. Cassell & Co. London. Education. Claim Book
30442 Practice Hand book to thepri. professions. wanted Men!. Pascoe Charles Eyre. Haardwicke& Bogule. London. Education. Claim Book
30443 Self control and self Expression. Miles Eustace H. E. Miles. Cambridge. Education. Claim Book
30444 Kingdom of Youth. Cousins James H. Ganesh & co. Madras. Education. Claim Book
30445 Education policy of the state on india. Satraklopachari. satakopachari . Madras. Education. Claim Book
30446 Teaching of scientific method and other papers on education. Armstrong Hennry E. Macmillian &co. London. Education. Claim Book
30447 Physical Traning for Childern. Irving Hancock H. G.P. Putnam .London. Education. Claim Book
30448 Advice To A Mother. Chavase Pay Henry. J & A Churcill. London. Education. Claim Book
30449 Education as a Science. Bain Alexander. Kegan Paul. London. Education. Claim Book
30450 Education. Spencer Herbert. williams &N. London. Education. Claim Book
30451 Soul of woman. Lombroso Gina. Jonathan Cape . London. Education. Claim Book
30452 State In Its Relation To Education. Craik Henry. Macmillon & co. London. Education. Claim Book
30453 Too much college. Leacock Stephen. Joine Lane. London. Education. Claim Book
30454 Montessori Method. Montesson Maria. w. Hiinemann . London. Education. Claim Book
30455 Education and Heredity. Guyau J. M. walteer scott. London. Education. Claim Book
30456 Supplement To Fourth. Commissioners Of National Education. William P. Nimno. Edinburg. Education. Claim Book
30457 VisvaBharati Quarterty.2. Vishvabharati. calcutta. Education. Claim Book
30460 Village Community. Gomme George Lauernce. WalterScott. London. Education. Claim Book
30461 English National Education. Holman H. Btaclkie & sons . London. Education. Claim Book
30462 School Management. London Joseph. Kengan paul . London. Education. Claim Book
30463 Health In school And Workshop. Black George. Ward Lock & Co. London. Education. Claim Book
30464 Science an Education.3. Huxley Thomas H. Macmillan &co. London. Education. Claim Book
30465 Industrial Education. Magnus Philip. Kegan paul . Lodon. Education. Claim Book
30466 Education Of The Feelings. Bray Charles. Longmans & Green. London. Education. Claim Book
30467 Education In Indian Under East India Company. Basu B. D. Modern Review Office. Calcutta. Education. Claim Book
30468 On Education. Russell Bertrand. George Allen .London. Education. Claim Book
30469 New schools ofN. Russia. Voilson Lucy L. W. Veunguard . N.York. Education. Claim Book
30470 Education. Spencer Herbert. W.& Nateson. London. Education. Claim Book
30471 Training of the Child a Parants Manual. Spiller Gustar. T.C. & E.C. Tack . London. Education. Claim Book
30472 Problems For Reconstruction. Besant Annie. Theosophical Society. London. Education. Claim Book
30473 Education of Childern . 1. Steiner Rudolf. Theosphical soci . London. Education. Claim Book
30475 Four Years In An University. Sathianadhan S. Srinivasa .Madras. Education. Claim Book
30476 Convocation and addresses. Rao K. Subha. Lawrence press. Madras. Education. Claim Book
30477 How To Win Friends And Influence People. Carnegie Dale. B. B. Taraporwalla. Bombay. Education. Claim Book
30478 Manual Trainning inEducation. Woodward C.M. walter scott. London. Education. Claim Book
30479 Education of Ancient India. Vakil K. S. --- Education. Claim Book
30480 Education Its Data and First Principls. Nunn Percy. Edwrd Arnold . Lonono. Education. Claim Book
30481 Source Book of Modern Indian Education. Paranj ape M. R. Macmillan & co . London. Education. Claim Book
30482 Modern Develpment in Educational Practice. Adams John. Uniersity of London. Education. Claim Book
30483 Education -a search for New Principle. Philipson Herbery. George Routledge . London. Education. Claim Book
30484 Hand book of Psychology. Marathe R. M. School & college. Kolhapur. Education. Claim Book
30485 Re - constructin g Elementory Education inMysore India. Siddalingaiya M. New. Educations .Mysore. Education. Claim Book
30486 Studies In The National Income. Bowley B. L. University Press. Education. Claim Book
30487 Arithmatic for schools. Smith Barnard. Macmillan .London. Education. Claim Book
30488 Guide To The Law. Barnstor A. Stevens. London. Education. Claim Book
30489 Economy ofHuman life. Nagarkar B. B. Bombay. Education. Claim Book
30490 Education in Ancient India. Altekar A. S. Indian Book shop . Banaras. Education. Claim Book
30491 Secont Anti Fasist Womans Meeting. Foreign Language Press. F.L.P. Moscow. Education. Claim Book
30492 The Kolhapur secondary Education code. Authonity of the Govt of Kolhapur. shikshanadhikan . Karaverr. Education. Claim Book
30493 National Education. Sri Aurobindo. Arya Pub. H. Calcutta. Education. Claim Book
30494 Public Education in the U.S.S.R. Medinsky Y. N. F.L.P. Moscow. Education. Claim Book
30495 Scheme for Reforming the Present system of Education. Puarshotamdas J. Patel. --- Education. Claim Book
30496 Decoan Education Society. Deccan Education Society. D.E.S. .Poona. Education. Claim Book
30497 Bombay Educational Record. Bombay Educational Record. E.S.P. Bom. Education. Claim Book
30498 Bombay Educational Record. Bombay Educational Record. E.S.P. Bom. Education. Claim Book
30499 Principles ofEducation. Raymont T. Longmans Green . London. Education. Claim Book
30500 Education and Nationality . Sha Pheroze. B.B. Tarapasewalla . Bom. Education. Claim Book
30501 Plan for Education. Pearce F. G. Oxford Univ press. London. Education. Claim Book
30502 Education Today. Dewey John. Georage Allen . London. Education. Claim Book
30503 Theistic Atitude In Education. Gokhale G.N. Education pub. Karachi. Education. Claim Book
30504 Literory and Education Year Book. Kent. Kent & co. London. Education. Claim Book
30505 Child and the home. Liber B. Vanghard . N.York. Education. Claim Book
30514 Education. Saiyidain K. G. Asia Publishing. Bom. Education. Claim Book
30530 Students Guide To Accountancy. Dicksee Lawernce R. Gee & Co. London. Education. Claim Book
30531 Education And Liberty. Conant James Bryant. New american Lib. Americka. Education. Claim Book
30532 Idea ofUniversity. Newman John N. Cardinal. Longmans Green.London. Education. Claim Book
30533 Education and the Significance of Life. Krishnamurti J. Victor Gollancz. London. Education. Claim Book
30534 Teaching English as a Foreign Language. Gruuey P. Orient Longmans . Madras. Education. Claim Book
30535 Chalk In My Hair. Balaam. Earnest Benn. London. Education. Claim Book
30536 Aims and Objectives of University Education. Ministry Of Education Of India. M. E. D. I. India. Education. Claim Book
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