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ज्ञानाची उपासना हा समाजाच्या संस्कृतीचा मानदंड असतो. ज्ञानाला स्थल कालाच्या मर्यादा नसतात, तसेच त्याच्या उपासनेलादेखील जाती, धर्म, पंथ, भाषा, प्रांत यांची संकुचित बंधने अडवू शकत नाहीत. हेच ब्रीद मनाशी ठेवून गेली १६० वर्षे करवीर नगर वाचन मंदिर वाटचाल करीत आहे.


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Pramukh Type Pad is used for typing easily into Indian languages. It follows 'The way you speak, the way you type' rule. Following image shows which character will be shown by pressing which corresponding English letter. Example for various combination of letters are given only for one character but it is true for each alphabet.
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Total Records : 115

Accession No. Book Name Author Publisher Subject Claim Book
32003 Materia Medica. Dutt Uday Chand. Thacker Spink . Calcutta. Engineering. Claim Book
32139 Art of Constructing Roads. Hughes S. --- Engineering. Claim Book
32140 Science And Art. Dionysius Lardner. Lockwood & Co. London. Engineering. Claim Book
32141 Civil Engineering. Rankine W. J. M. C. Griffen . London. Engineering. Claim Book
32142 Driving and Maintence forMechanical Vehicles. His Majesty Stationanary Office. H. M. S. O. London. Engineering. Claim Book
32143 Military Acroplane. Colston Shepherd E. Clarendon . Oxford . Engineering. Claim Book
32144 How To right for Broadcashing. Thomas Howard. George allen . London. Engineering. Claim Book
32145 Power. Rugemann Martin. Sigma . Engineering. Claim Book
32152 Motive Power In India : Its Cast And Selection. Bharucha Fakirjee E. F. E. Bharucha. Bombay. Engineering. Claim Book
32153 Rivers And Torrents. Frisi Paul. John Weale. LOndon. Engineering. Claim Book
32154 Water works. Hugbes Harnud. John weale London. Engineering. Claim Book
32155 Wireless Telegraphy. Kerr Richard. Seely . LOndon. Engineering. Claim Book
32156 Machinery and Miillwork. William John & Rankine M. C. Griffen . London. Engineering. Claim Book
32157 Civil Engineering. Burnell George R. John weale . London. Engineering. Claim Book
32158 Rudiments To Hydraulic Engineering. Burnell George R. John Weale. London. Engineering. Claim Book
32159 Church of Thibet. Wordswarth William . Thacker . Vining Bom. Engineering. Claim Book
32160 Railway Engineering. Cotton Charles P. Edward Ponsonby . Dulstin . Engineering. Claim Book
32161 Electricity in the Service of man. Wormell R. Cassell . London. Engineering. Claim Book
32162 Modern Applications of Electricity. Hospitalier E. Kegan paul . LOndon. Engineering. Claim Book
32163 Duties of the Corps of the ROyal Engineers. Royal Engineers & East India Engineers. W.P. Jackson . Woolwich . Engineering. Claim Book
32164 Rural Water Supply. Greenwell Allen. & Currt W. T. Ceoslay . London. Engineering. Claim Book
32165 Lift Irrigation. Chatterton Alfred. G. A. Nateson. Madras. Engineering. Claim Book
32166 Waves and Ripples. Fleming J. A. E& J. B. Young . England. Engineering. Claim Book
32167 Correspondence on the coals and other Minerals of Kuktch. Education Society Press. Society press . Bom. Engineering. Claim Book
32170 Air Defence Of Britain. Charlton L. E. O. Penguin. England. Engineering. Claim Book
32172 Aeroplane. Burges Dennis M. Somaiya . Bom. Engineering. Claim Book
32173 Waste Products and Undeveloped Substances. Simmonds P. L. Hard wick . London. Engineering. Claim Book
32174 Great Airmen. Macmillan Noarman. G. Bell . & sons . London. Engineering. Claim Book
32175 Electric Wiring. Ibbetson W. S. E& F.N. Spon. LOndon. Engineering. Claim Book
32176 Civil Defence in India. Drucquer Seth. Univer . Press . Oxford. Engineering. Claim Book
32177 Popular Lectures and Addreses. Thomson WIlliam. Macmillon . Londnon. Engineering. Claim Book
32178 Electrical Phenomena & Theories. Tyndall John. LOngman . LOndon. Engineering. Claim Book
35391 B. B. C. Year Book 1945. British Brodcasting Corporation. B. B. House . London. Engineering. Claim Book
35851 Marvels of The Modern World. Wheatley H. B. Odhams. London. Engineering. Claim Book
35945 Television Today. Newne George. G. Newne. Engineering. Claim Book
35953 Television Today. Newne George. G. Newnes. London. Engineering. Claim Book
36020 Roads for India. Kynnersley T. R. S. Tata. Delhi. Engineering. Claim Book
36112 Modern Indian Political Tradition. Karunakaran K. D. Allied. Bombay. Engineering. Claim Book
36114 Where India China & Burma Meet. Johri Sitaram. T. Spink . Bombay. Engineering. Claim Book
36226 Automobile Engineering. American Tractociety. A. T. S . U. S. A. Engineering. Claim Book
39192 Rockets And Missiles. Burgaust Erik. U. S. Infotrmation Lab. Bombay. Engineering. Claim Book
39203 Machines of Materials. Fairman & Seibert. U.S.Infotrmation Lab Bombay. Engineering. Claim Book
39275 Practical electrial wiring. Richrnond Hebert P. U.S.Infotrmation Lab Bombay. Engineering. Claim Book
39291 Experiments with Solar Energy. Halcay D. S. American Lib Bombay. Engineering. Claim Book
39292 American Woman of the Space age. Hoyt Mary Finch. U.S.Infotrmation Lab Bombay. Engineering. Claim Book
40230 World of the Development Engineer. Heald Henry T. U.S.I.S. America. Engineering. Claim Book
40238 Radio Receivers-2. Barkan & Zhadanov V. Mir Pub. Moscow. Engineering. Claim Book
40239 Transistors. Dennis Le Croissette. Prientice Hall fo India ltd. N. Delhi. Engineering. Claim Book
40240 Vacaum Tube Circuits & Transistors. Lawrence Baker Arguim Bau. Arguimbau L.B. Bom. Engineering. Claim Book
40241 Fundamentals of Radio. Zherebtsov I. (Tr.) Mir Pub. Moscow. Engineering. Claim Book
40386 Complete poetry of John Donne and Willam blake. Hillyer Robert. The Modern Lib Engineering. Claim Book
40388 Complete Works Of Homer The I Iliad And The Odyssey. Batcher S. H. The Modern Library. New York. Engineering. Claim Book
40396 Robert Browning : Poetry And Prose. Browning Robert. Modern Library. London. Engineering. Claim Book
41008 Engineering hand book. Shahane & Iyenngar. --- Engineering. Claim Book
41327 Motorles. Guildo Bettiol. Italy. Engineering. Claim Book
41472 Heat Engines. Ripper William. London. Engineering. Claim Book
41525 Engine & Tunninggap. Burmal Shell Bowlot. London. Engineering. Claim Book
42246 Grow up and live. Eustace Chesser. Penguin books . London. Engineering. Claim Book
42811 Story of our Railways. Singh Jagjit. National book trust Delhi. Engineering. Claim Book
42812 Story of our Railways. Singh Jagjit. National book trust Delhi. Engineering. Claim Book
42813 Story of our Railways. Singh Jagjit. National book trust Delhi. Engineering. Claim Book
42814 Story of our Railways. Singh Jagjit. National book trust Delhi. Engineering. Claim Book
42815 Story fot our Railways. Singh Jagjit. National book trust Delhi. Engineering. Claim Book
42816 Story of our Railways. Singh Jagjit. National book trust Delhi. Engineering. Claim Book
42817 Story of our Railways. Singh Jagjit. National book trust Delhi. Engineering. Claim Book
42818 Story of our Railways. Singh Jagjit. National book trust Delhi. Engineering. Claim Book
42819 Story of our Railwarys. Singh Jagjit. National book trust Delhi. Engineering. Claim Book
42820 Story of our Railways. Singh Jagjit. National book trust Delhi. Engineering. Claim Book
42948 Story of our Rivers P.T. Maj umdar Lila. National book trust Delhi. Engineering. Claim Book
42949 Story of our Rivers P.I Maj umdar Lila. National book trust Delhi. Engineering. Claim Book
42950 Story of our Rivers P.I. Maj umdar Lila. National book trust Delhi. Engineering. Claim Book
42951 Story of our rivers P.I Maj umdar Lila. National book trust Delhi. Engineering. Claim Book
42952 Story of our rivers P.I. Maj umdar Lila. National book trust Delhi. Engineering. Claim Book
42953 Story of our rivers P.I. Maj umdar Lila. National book trust Delhi. Engineering. Claim Book
42954 Story of our rivers P.I. Maj umdar Lila. National book trust Delhi. Engineering. Claim Book
42955 Story of our rivers P.I. Maj umdar Lila. National book trust Delhi. Engineering. Claim Book
42956 Story of our rivers P. I. Maj umdar Lila. National book trust Delhi. Engineering. Claim Book
42957 Story of our rivers P.I. Maj umdar Lila. National book trust Delhi. Engineering. Claim Book
48529 Water. Jennings Terry. Sanitya AKa. Calcutta. Engineering. Claim Book
50749 Motorcycle Maintenace Looking After Your bike. Preston Bruce. Marston and Co. Ltd. Britain. Engineering. Claim Book
53792 Careers In Engineering And Technology. Career Study Centre. Delhi. Career Study Centre. Delhi. Engineering. Claim Book
56921 Maharashtra Road Atlas. Patel P. S. Anada Praka. Ahmedabad. Engineering. Claim Book
58372 Road Atlas. Arya R. P. Indian Map service Jodhpur. Engineering. Claim Book
60455 The Illusive World Of Virtual Reality. Bhattacharya Tapan. National Book Trust. India. Engineering. Claim Book
60989 The Wheel and the Axle. Singh Girija. UBS. Pub Delhi. Engineering. Claim Book
61001 Television. Roy Navkala. UBS. Pub Delhi. Engineering. Claim Book
61002 The Aeroplane. Roy Navkala. UBS. Pub Delhi. Engineering. Claim Book
61003 The Clock. Roy Navkala. UBS. Pub Delhi. Engineering. Claim Book
61005 The Motorcar. Roy Navkala. UBS. Pub Delhi. Engineering. Claim Book
61006 The Railway Train. Roy Navkala. UBS. Pub Delhi. Engineering. Claim Book
61007 The Ship. Roy Navkala. UBS. Pub Delhi. Engineering. Claim Book
61008 The Telephone. Roy Navkala. UBS. Pub Delhi. Engineering. Claim Book
61028 Energy. Bakshi A. K. National Trust Book. India. Engineering. Claim Book
61060 Levers and other simple Machines 2. UBS Publication. UBS. Pub Delhi. Engineering. Claim Book
76062 Analysis of Structures.-3. Vazirani V. N. Khanna pub. Delhi. Engineering. Claim Book
76064 The Strength Of Materials. Case John. Arnold & Co. London. Engineering. Claim Book
76068 Introducitonto structural Mechanics.-5. Kent Lewis E. Orient Longemans Delhi. Engineering. Claim Book
76069 Mechanics of structures.-7. Junnarkar S.B. --- Engineering. Claim Book
76074 Estimating And costing.-6. System F. P. S. --- Engineering. Claim Book
77425 Transistor Radios Circuitry and Serviing. Mullard Ltd. London. Mullard ltd. London. Engineering. Claim Book
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