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ज्ञानाची उपासना हा समाजाच्या संस्कृतीचा मानदंड असतो. ज्ञानाला स्थल कालाच्या मर्यादा नसतात, तसेच त्याच्या उपासनेलादेखील जाती, धर्म, पंथ, भाषा, प्रांत यांची संकुचित बंधने अडवू शकत नाहीत. हेच ब्रीद मनाशी ठेवून गेली १६० वर्षे करवीर नगर वाचन मंदिर वाटचाल करीत आहे.


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Pramukh Type Pad is used for typing easily into Indian languages. It follows 'The way you speak, the way you type' rule. Following image shows which character will be shown by pressing which corresponding English letter. Example for various combination of letters are given only for one character but it is true for each alphabet.
character map

Total Records : 65

Accession No. Book Name Author Publisher Subject Claim Book
31700 Atomic Energy. Gamow George. University Press. Cambridge. Chemistry. Claim Book
31706 Recreations In Chemistry. Griffiths Thomas. J. W. Parkar . London. Chemistry. Claim Book
31710 History of Hindu Chemistry.2. Ray Praphulla Chandra . Willams LOndon. Chemistry. Claim Book
31746 Elements ofChemistry. Miller William Allen. Longmans Green . London. Chemistry. Claim Book
31747 Notes on the Metals. Wood Thomas Longmans Green . London. Chemistry. Claim Book
31748 Manual of Chemistry. Trowne. --- Chemistry. Claim Book
31749 Chemistry. Roscoe H. E. Macmillan &co. London. Chemistry. Claim Book
31750 Scientific Chemistry. Barff F. S. Gromm Bridge . London. Chemistry. Claim Book
31751 How to understand Eledricity. Frederick Collins A. New Home lib. Philadelphan. Chemistry. Claim Book
31752 Rudiments of Chemistry. Reid D. B. W& R. Chambers . Edinburg. Chemistry. Claim Book
31753 Practical Chemistry. Bowman John E. J.& A. Churchill. LOndon. Chemistry. Claim Book
31754 Ingoranic Chemistry. Miller William Allen. Longmans Green . London. Chemistry. Claim Book
31755 Fundamentals of Electronics. Williams Hennry Lionel. New Home Lib. Philadelphin. Chemistry. Claim Book
31756 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry. Ostwold Wilhelm. Macmillon . London. Chemistry. Claim Book
31757 Inorganic Chemistry. Holleman A. F. John wiley. N. York. Chemistry. Claim Book
31758 Organic Chemistry. Armstrong Hennry E. Longmans London. Chemistry. Claim Book
31792 Aids to Chemistry. Arnand Semple C. E. B.T. & cox Cassell. Chemistry. Claim Book
31794 Chemistry of commn life. Johnston James F. W. w. Blackwood. London. Chemistry. Claim Book
31808 Thermodynamics. Tait P. G. D. Douglas. Edinburg . Chemistry. Claim Book
31826 Organic Chemistry. Van Richters Victor. D.Blackiston . Philadelphin. Chemistry. Claim Book
31827 Drink questions. Mitchell Kate. Swan . London. Chemistry. Claim Book
31829 Forms of Water. Tyndall John. Kegan paul . London. Chemistry. Claim Book
31843 Atoms In Space. Vant Hoff J. H. Longmans . Londnon. Chemistry. Claim Book
31855 Popular Lectures and Addresses. Thomson WIlliam. Macmillon &co. London. Chemistry. Claim Book
31861 Practical Chemistry. Tilden William A. Longmans . LOndon. Chemistry. Claim Book
31862 Inorganic Chemistry. Jago William. Longmans . London. Chemistry. Claim Book
31873 Chemical Philosophy. Tilden William A. Longmans. London. Chemistry. Claim Book
31892 Elementary Treatise on Physics. Atkinson E. Longmans London. Chemistry. Claim Book
31894 First Principles Of Chemistry. Cooke Samuel. Government Central Press. Bombay. Chemistry. Claim Book
31896 Elementary Chemistry. Roscode Henry E. Macmillon . London. Chemistry. Claim Book
31900 Organic Chemistry. Van Richters Victor. Kegan Paul . LOndon. Chemistry. Claim Book
31917 What is Atomic Energy. Mendelssohn K. sigma Books . London. Chemistry. Claim Book
31957 Chemistry for the Modern world. Porter George. George G. Harrop. London. Chemistry. Claim Book
31984 Chemistry for the Modern world. Porter George. George Harrap. London. Chemistry. Claim Book
31986 Chemistry for the Modern world. Porter George. George Haerrap. London. Chemistry. Claim Book
35956 Mechanical Physics. Dingle Herbert. --- Chemistry. Claim Book
39058 Chemistry For The Modern World. Pathe George. George G.Harr ap & cop. ltd Lon. Chemistry. Claim Book
39542 Organic Chemistry. Richters Victor. Kegan Paul London. Chemistry. Claim Book
40495 Chemistry. Hufton Kenneth. Pengwing London. Chemistry. Claim Book
40926 Inorgauic Chemistry. Miller William Allen. London. Chemistry. Claim Book
44768 Mircrobes. Subramaniam C.V. N.Co.OF Edu.Re. Chemistry. Claim Book
44900 Getting to know about petroleum. Skylark Printers. Skylark prin. N. Delhi. Chemistry. Claim Book
45741 Story Of Nuclear Energy. Chandra Debabrata. Dev Sahityakutir Calcutta. Chemistry. Claim Book
45742 Story Of Coal. Chandra Debabrata. Dev SahityKutir Calcutta. Chemistry. Claim Book
52654 Story About water. Paranj ape Ravi. National Book Trust . India. Chemistry. Claim Book
60535 Fun with chemistry. Vikas Publication House. Delhi. Vikas pub.house N. Delhi. Chemistry. Claim Book
60992 Water. Gupta Amita. UBS. Pub Delhi. Chemistry. Claim Book
61068 Water. UBS Publication. UBS. Pub Delhi. Chemistry. Claim Book
65018 Dictioary of Chemistry. Sharma N. Pradeep. Gyanpub. house Delhi. Chemistry. Claim Book
73908 The Story of Black Diamond Coal. Pande S. K. Prakshna Vibhag. Calcutta. Chemistry. Claim Book
85938 Balancing water for Humans and Nature. Falkenmark Malin. Earthscan publications ltd. London. Chemistry. Claim Book
88622 Fundamentals of water And waste Water. Gopal Krishnan K. V. A.P.H. Pub. House Delhi. Chemistry. Claim Book
100569 Dictionary Of Chemistry. Nayak Shankar. Sahitya Srishti Delhi. Chemistry. Claim Book
106266 Ozone Depletion. Dubey Jyoti. Rachna Publication Allahabad. Chemistry. Claim Book
107630 Super Science Projects Chemistry For Every Kid. Tiwari Reema. S. K. Publishers Delhi. Chemistry. Claim Book
112786 Dictionary Of Chemistry. Gosain Ashok. Har Anand Publication Delhi. Chemistry. Claim Book
121313 Complete Chemistry Jee Main. Anoop K. McGraw Hill Publishing House Delhi. Chemistry. Claim Book
124189 Chemistry At A Glance. Sonkar Vishvnath. Vigyan Shikshan Kendra Delhi. Chemistry. Claim Book
128212 Ganga Purifiers Purification. Shukla Priyadarshni. Shree Kala Prakashan Delhi. Chemistry. Claim Book
130166 Chemistry Creates A New World. Jaffe Bernard. Pyramid Publications New York. Chemistry. Claim Book
131465 Organic Chemistry. Chauhan Aprajita. Viva Books Private Ltd Delhi. Chemistry. Claim Book
132157 Agriculturary Chemistry. Ray Deb Prasad. Ekta Book Distributors Delhi. Chemistry. Claim Book
137874 Complete Chemistry. Kapoor K. L. McCraw Hill Publication Chennai. Chemistry. Claim Book
139608 JEE Main Complete Chemistry 2019. Kapoor K.L. McGrew Hil Education Pvt.Ltd.Chennai. Chemistry. Claim Book
140517 Hindu Chemistry. Seal B.N. Bhartiya Kala Prakashan Delhi. Chemistry. Claim Book
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