Accession No. | Book Name | Author | Publisher | Subject | Claim Book |
31677 | Expanding Universe. | Edington Arthur. | Cambridge univ. Cambridge. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
31684 | Surya Siddhanta. | Burgess Ebenezer. | university of Calcutta. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
31685 | Occult Physics. | Coode Admas W. R. | Theosophical . London. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
31686 | Stars In Their Courses. | Jeans James | Cambridge Univ. Cambridge. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
31691 | Art of Astrology. | Gemini. | Walts & co. LOndon. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
31695 | Interpreting the Universe. | Macmurray John. | Faber & Faber . London. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
31697 | Khandakhadyaka. | Brahmagupta. | University Of Kolkata. Kolkata. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
31703 | Living Universe. | Younggusband Francis | John Muarray . London. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
31722 | Trealise on Astronomy. | Herschel John F. W. | Longmans. London. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
31723 | Astronomy. | Norman Lockyer J. | Macmillan . London. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
31724 | Jaipur Observatory and Its Builder. | Garrett. | pioneer . Allahabad. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
31725 | Astronomy without A telescope. | Walter Maunder E. | Knowledge . Lodon. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
31726 | Cosmos without a Telescope. | Humboldt Alexander Van. | Bell & Dadly. London. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
31727 | Cosmos Without A telescope.2. | Humboldt Alexander Van. | Bell & Dadly . London. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
31728 | Cosmos without a Telescope.3. | Humboldt Alexander Van. | Bell& Dadly . London. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
31729 | Cosmos without a telescope.4. | Humboldt Alexander Van. | Bell & dadly . London. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
31730 | Cosmos Without a telescope.5. | Humboldt Alexander Van. | Bell & Dadly . London. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
31731 | Heavens. | Guillemin Amedee. | Richard Bentley . London. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
31732 | Solor Heat. | Adams William. | Education S.P. Bom. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
31733 | Museum of secience & Art. | Lardner Dyonysius. | Lockwood . London. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
31734 | Time And Tide. | Ball Robert Stawell. | J. B. Young . N. York. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
31735 | Elementory Treatise onHeat. | Stewart Balfour. | Clarendon . London. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
31775 | Popular Hindu Astronomy. | Mukerjee Kalinath. | H. Kanjial . Calcutta. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
31777 | Side Lights on Astronomy. | Newcomb Simon. | Harper & Bros . LOndon. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
31778 | System Of Stars. | Clerke Agnes M. | Adam & Charles. London. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
31781 | Study of Spectrum Analysis. | Marshall Walts W. | Longmans London. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
31791 | Day After Death. | Figuier Louis. | Richard B. London. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
31804 | Romance of Modern Astronaumy. | Macpherson Hector. | Seely . London. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
31819 | Outlines of Astronomy. | Herschel John F. W. | Longmans London. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
31836 | Indian Eclipse. | Walter Maunder E. | Hazell. London. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
31846 | Myths and Marvels of Astronomy. | Proctor Richard A. | Longmans Green . London. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
31848 | Everday Astronomy. | Aye V. A. K. | D.B. Taraporewalla . Bom. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
31850 | Serial Universe. | Dunne J. W. | Scientific Book. Lodon. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
31859 | Surya Siddhanta. | Sharstri Bapu Deva. | C.B. Lews . Calcutta. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
31872 | Astronomy. | Hinks Arthur R. | Williams & Noragate . London. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
31897 | Sun. | Young C.A. | Kegan Paul . London. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
31898 | Recent Advances in Astronomy. | Fison Alfred H. | Blackie . London. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
31901 | Words In The Making. | Arrhenius Svante. | Happer & Bros. London. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
31902 | Story of The Heavens. | Ball Robert Stawell. | Cassell. London. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
31912 | Great Essays in science. | Gardner Martin. | Packet book. N. York. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
31918 | Five Year Plan For Bombay State. | Bombay Government Press. | Bombay Government Press. Bombay. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
31927 | You And The Universe. | Berill N. J. | Fawcett. New York. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
31934 | Vedic Chronology and Vedanga Jyotisha. | Tilak Bal Gangadhar. | Tilak Bros . Poona. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
31935 | Spirit of St. Louis. | Lindbergh C. A. | Charles. N. York. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
31937 | Creartion of the Universe. | Gamow George. | N. American Lib. N. York. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
31943 | New Hand Book of The Heavens. | Bernahard H. J. & Bennett & D. A. | American Library. N. York. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
31945 | Third Five Yrar Plan. | Government Of India Planning Commission. | G. I.P. India. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
31954 | Nature of the Physical World. | Eddington A. S. | University press. Cambridge. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
35858 | Universe Around Us. | Jean James. | University press. Cambridge. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
35906 | Raphaels Astronomical Epherneries of Planetes Places. | Raphael Frederic. | G. G. Harrap. London. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
35952 | Exploration Of The Moon. | Clarke Arthur C. | F. Muler. London. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
36143 | Third Five Year Plan. | Government Of India Planning Commission. | Govt of India . Delhi. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
36144 | Second Five Year Plan. | Government Of India Planning Commission. | Govt of India . Delhi. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
36145 | Second Five Year Plan Bombay State. | Government Of Bombay. | G. B. Bombay. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
36146 | Second Five Year Plan Bombay State. | Government Of Bombay. | G. B. Bombay. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
36147 | First Five Year Plan. | Government Of India Planning Commission. | G. P. Delhi. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
36464 | Moon In Focus. | Rackham Thomas. | pergumon Bombay. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
36487 | Astronomy. | Baker Robert H. | Von Noslrand London. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
39009 | Rationale Of Astrology. | Oak P. N. | P.N. Oak N. Delhi. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
39556 | Hand book of Astronomy. | Lardner Dyonysius. | James Walton London. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
39557 | Experimental Germetry. | C. G. & A. W. S. | Govt. Of Maharashtra. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
40484 | Space Guide Book. | Weiser William J. | Paper lib. N. Y. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
42264 | Computers for Beginnes.-5. | Jaggi V. P. & Jain Sushma. | Academic Pub. N.Delhi. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
44821 | India in Space. | Rajan Mohan Sundara. | Minitry of Infor. Calcutta. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
45266 | Earth | Jollands David. | Cembridge un.Cambridge. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
49052 | The Earth. | Jennings Terry. | Oxford Uni . Press. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
51209 | Sun Signs. | George & Harrap Ltd. | George and Harrap Ltd. Britain. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
54220 | Adventures of Spacecraft. | Rajan Mohan Sundara. | Pub D ivi . Delhi. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
57741 | Passages from plato. | Jowett B. | Clarendon Press London. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
60986 | Our Neighbours in Spave. | UBS Publication. | UBS. Pub Delhi. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
62624 | Seven Wenders of the Cosmos. | Narlikar Jayant Vishnu. | Cambridge un. press Delhi. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
68651 | The Monsoons. | Das P. K. | National Book Trust . India. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
68699 | Joy of Starwatching. | Basu BIman. | National Book Trust. India. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
73838 | Cosmic Vistas. | Basu Biman. | National Book Trust . India. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
94758 | New Dimensions of K. P. Astrology. | Prabhakar Arastu. | Diamond Books Delhi. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |
139306 | History Of Magic And SuperStition. | Singh Birendra Kumar. | Book Shores Delhi. | Astro.&allied scin. | Claim Book |