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ज्ञानाची उपासना हा समाजाच्या संस्कृतीचा मानदंड असतो. ज्ञानाला स्थल कालाच्या मर्यादा नसतात, तसेच त्याच्या उपासनेलादेखील जाती, धर्म, पंथ, भाषा, प्रांत यांची संकुचित बंधने अडवू शकत नाहीत. हेच ब्रीद मनाशी ठेवून गेली १६० वर्षे करवीर नगर वाचन मंदिर वाटचाल करीत आहे.


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Total Records : 76

Accession No. Book Name Author Publisher Subject Claim Book
31677 Expanding Universe. Edington Arthur. Cambridge univ. Cambridge. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
31684 Surya Siddhanta. Burgess Ebenezer. university of Calcutta. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
31685 Occult Physics. Coode Admas W. R. Theosophical . London. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
31686 Stars In Their Courses. Jeans James Cambridge Univ. Cambridge. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
31691 Art of Astrology. Gemini. Walts & co. LOndon. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
31695 Interpreting the Universe. Macmurray John. Faber & Faber . London. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
31697 Khandakhadyaka. Brahmagupta. University Of Kolkata. Kolkata. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
31703 Living Universe. Younggusband Francis John Muarray . London. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
31722 Trealise on Astronomy. Herschel John F. W. Longmans. London. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
31723 Astronomy. Norman Lockyer J. Macmillan . London. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
31724 Jaipur Observatory and Its Builder. Garrett. pioneer . Allahabad. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
31725 Astronomy without A telescope. Walter Maunder E. Knowledge . Lodon. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
31726 Cosmos without a Telescope. Humboldt Alexander Van. Bell & Dadly. London. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
31727 Cosmos Without A telescope.2. Humboldt Alexander Van. Bell & Dadly . London. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
31728 Cosmos without a Telescope.3. Humboldt Alexander Van. Bell& Dadly . London. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
31729 Cosmos without a telescope.4. Humboldt Alexander Van. Bell & dadly . London. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
31730 Cosmos Without a telescope.5. Humboldt Alexander Van. Bell & Dadly . London. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
31731 Heavens. Guillemin Amedee. Richard Bentley . London. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
31732 Solor Heat. Adams William. Education S.P. Bom. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
31733 Museum of secience & Art. Lardner Dyonysius. Lockwood . London. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
31734 Time And Tide. Ball Robert Stawell. J. B. Young . N. York. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
31735 Elementory Treatise onHeat. Stewart Balfour. Clarendon . London. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
31775 Popular Hindu Astronomy. Mukerjee Kalinath. H. Kanjial . Calcutta. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
31777 Side Lights on Astronomy. Newcomb Simon. Harper & Bros . LOndon. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
31778 System Of Stars. Clerke Agnes M. Adam & Charles. London. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
31781 Study of Spectrum Analysis. Marshall Walts W. Longmans London. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
31791 Day After Death. Figuier Louis. Richard B. London. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
31804 Romance of Modern Astronaumy. Macpherson Hector. Seely . London. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
31819 Outlines of Astronomy. Herschel John F. W. Longmans London. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
31836 Indian Eclipse. Walter Maunder E. Hazell. London. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
31846 Myths and Marvels of Astronomy. Proctor Richard A. Longmans Green . London. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
31848 Everday Astronomy. Aye V. A. K. D.B. Taraporewalla . Bom. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
31850 Serial Universe. Dunne J. W. Scientific Book. Lodon. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
31859 Surya Siddhanta. Sharstri Bapu Deva. C.B. Lews . Calcutta. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
31872 Astronomy. Hinks Arthur R. Williams & Noragate . London. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
31897 Sun. Young C.A. Kegan Paul . London. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
31898 Recent Advances in Astronomy. Fison Alfred H. Blackie . London. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
31901 Words In The Making. Arrhenius Svante. Happer & Bros. London. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
31902 Story of The Heavens. Ball Robert Stawell. Cassell. London. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
31912 Great Essays in science. Gardner Martin. Packet book. N. York. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
31918 Five Year Plan For Bombay State. Bombay Government Press. Bombay Government Press. Bombay. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
31927 You And The Universe. Berill N. J. Fawcett. New York. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
31934 Vedic Chronology and Vedanga Jyotisha. Tilak Bal Gangadhar. Tilak Bros . Poona. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
31935 Spirit of St. Louis. Lindbergh C. A. Charles. N. York. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
31937 Creartion of the Universe. Gamow George. N. American Lib. N. York. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
31943 New Hand Book of The Heavens. Bernahard H. J. & Bennett & D. A. American Library. N. York. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
31945 Third Five Yrar Plan. Government Of India Planning Commission. G. I.P. India. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
31954 Nature of the Physical World. Eddington A. S. University press. Cambridge. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
35858 Universe Around Us. Jean James. University press. Cambridge. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
35906 Raphaels Astronomical Epherneries of Planetes Places. Raphael Frederic. G. G. Harrap. London. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
35952 Exploration Of The Moon. Clarke Arthur C. F. Muler. London. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
36143 Third Five Year Plan. Government Of India Planning Commission. Govt of India . Delhi. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
36144 Second Five Year Plan. Government Of India Planning Commission. Govt of India . Delhi. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
36145 Second Five Year Plan Bombay State. Government Of Bombay. G. B. Bombay. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
36146 Second Five Year Plan Bombay State. Government Of Bombay. G. B. Bombay. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
36147 First Five Year Plan. Government Of India Planning Commission. G. P. Delhi. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
36464 Moon In Focus. Rackham Thomas. pergumon Bombay. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
36487 Astronomy. Baker Robert H. Von Noslrand London. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
39009 Rationale Of Astrology. Oak P. N. P.N. Oak N. Delhi. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
39556 Hand book of Astronomy. Lardner Dyonysius. James Walton London. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
39557 Experimental Germetry. C. G. & A. W. S. Govt. Of Maharashtra. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
40484 Space Guide Book. Weiser William J. Paper lib. N. Y. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
42264 Computers for Beginnes.-5. Jaggi V. P. & Jain Sushma. Academic Pub. N.Delhi. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
44821 India in Space. Rajan Mohan Sundara. Minitry of Infor. Calcutta. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
45266 Earth Jollands David. Cembridge un.Cambridge. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
49052 The Earth. Jennings Terry. Oxford Uni . Press. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
51209 Sun Signs. George & Harrap Ltd. George and Harrap Ltd. Britain. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
54220 Adventures of Spacecraft. Rajan Mohan Sundara. Pub D ivi . Delhi. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
57741 Passages from plato. Jowett B. Clarendon Press London. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
60986 Our Neighbours in Spave. UBS Publication. UBS. Pub Delhi. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
62624 Seven Wenders of the Cosmos. Narlikar Jayant Vishnu. Cambridge un. press Delhi. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
68651 The Monsoons. Das P. K. National Book Trust . India. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
68699 Joy of Starwatching. Basu BIman. National Book Trust. India. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
73838 Cosmic Vistas. Basu Biman. National Book Trust . India. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
94758 New Dimensions of K. P. Astrology. Prabhakar Arastu. Diamond Books Delhi. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
139306 History Of Magic And SuperStition. Singh Birendra Kumar. Book Shores Delhi. Astro.&allied scin. Claim Book
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