आमची ओळख

ज्ञानाची उपासना हा समाजाच्या संस्कृतीचा मानदंड असतो. ज्ञानाला स्थल कालाच्या मर्यादा नसतात, तसेच त्याच्या उपासनेलादेखील जाती, धर्म, पंथ, भाषा, प्रांत यांची संकुचित बंधने अडवू शकत नाहीत. हेच ब्रीद मनाशी ठेवून गेली १६० वर्षे करवीर नगर वाचन मंदिर वाटचाल करीत आहे.


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Pramukh Type Pad is used for typing easily into Indian languages. It follows 'The way you speak, the way you type' rule. Following image shows which character will be shown by pressing which corresponding English letter. Example for various combination of letters are given only for one character but it is true for each alphabet.
character map

Total Records : 48

Accession No. Book Name Author Publisher Subject Claim Book
30550 Gifts You can Make Yourself. Keliher. Odhamas. Costoms & Folklore. Claim Book
30551 National Proverbs : Russia. Palmer Frank. Red Lion Court . London. Costoms & Folklore. Claim Book
30552 National Prverbs : China. Palmer Frank. Red Lino court London. Costoms & Folklore. Claim Book
30553 National Proverbs : France. Plamer Frank. Red Lion Club.London. Costoms & Folklore. Claim Book
30554 National Proverbs : Scottland. Plamer Frank. Red Lion Court . London. Costoms & Folklore. Claim Book
30555 National Proverbs : Italy. Plamer Frank. Red Lion Court . London. Costoms & Folklore. Claim Book
30556 National Proverbs : Spain. Plamer Frank. Red Lion court . London. Costoms & Folklore. Claim Book
34207 Correct Etiquetle for all Accasions. Wilkinson Margaret. S. B. Taraporwalla . Bom. Costoms & Folklore. Claim Book
34210 Psyches Task. Frazer James G. Macmillon . London. Costoms & Folklore. Claim Book
35307 Times of India Calenders And Directory for 1880. Times Of India. Times of India . Bombay. Costoms & Folklore. Claim Book
35309 Times of India Calender and Directory for 1880. Times Of India. Times of India . Bombay. Costoms & Folklore. Claim Book
35392 Customs of the world. Hutchinson Walter. Hutchinson . London. Costoms & Folklore. Claim Book
35531 Women of India. Baig Tara Ali Pub . Division . Delhi. Costoms & Folklore. Claim Book
35899 Women of All Nations. Athol Joyce T. Cassell.N York. Costoms & Folklore. Claim Book
35905 Lady Into Woman. Britain Verra. Andrew. London. Costoms & Folklore. Claim Book
38932 Street of the Fishing cat. Foldes Jolanda. I. Nicholson London. Costoms & Folklore. Claim Book
40294 Sex & Marriage in India. Sur A. K. Allied pud. ltd. Costoms & Folklore. Claim Book
40297 Life & Culture of the Indian people.-2. Nilakanta Sastry K. A. & Srinirasachari G. Allied Pub. Pvt. Ltd. Costoms & Folklore. Claim Book
40300 Labour Relation in India. Ghosh Santosh Nath. Shri Amar nath N. Delhi. Costoms & Folklore. Claim Book
40541 He wont need it now. Chase James Hadley . Etons books In. London. Costoms & Folklore. Claim Book
40567 Jaina View of life. Kalghatgi T. G. --- Costoms & Folklore. Claim Book
41809 Married love. Stopes Marie Carmichael. G. Roosey street London. Costoms & Folklore. Claim Book
42026 Tiger claw & Velvet paw. Malee. Arlington books G. Britain. Costoms & Folklore. Claim Book
42575 Folkore of Punj ab. Bedi Sohinader Singh. National Book Trust. New Delhi. Costoms & Folklore. Claim Book
42576 Folkore of Punj ab. Bedi Sohinader Singh. National Book Trust. New Delhi. Costoms & Folklore. Claim Book
42577 Folkore of Punj ab. Bedi Sohinader Singh. National Book Trust. New Delhi. Costoms & Folklore. Claim Book
42578 Folkore of Punj ab. Bedi Sohinader Singh. National Book Trust. Delhi. Costoms & Folklore. Claim Book
42579 Folkore of Punj ab. Bedi Sohinader Singh. National Book Trust. Delhi. Costoms & Folklore. Claim Book
42670 Folklore Of Assam. Das Jogesh. National Book Trust. Delhi. Costoms & Folklore. Claim Book
42671 Folklore Of Assam. Das Jogesh. National Book Trust. Delhi. Costoms & Folklore. Claim Book
42672 Folklore Of Assam. Das Jogesh. National Book Trust. Delhi. Costoms & Folklore. Claim Book
42673 Folklore Of Assam. Das Jogesh. National Book Trust. Delhi. Costoms & Folklore. Claim Book
42674 Folklore Of Assam. Das Jogesh. National Book Trust. Delhi. Costoms & Folklore. Claim Book
42684 Folklore of Madhya Pradesh. Parmar Shyam. National book trust Delhi. Costoms & Folklore. Claim Book
42685 Folklore of Madhya Pradesh. Parmar Shyam. National book trust Delhi. Costoms & Folklore. Claim Book
42686 Folklore of Madhya Pradesh. Parmar Shyam. National book trust Delhi. Costoms & Folklore. Claim Book
42687 Folklore of Madhya Pradesh. Parmar Shyam. National book trust Delhi. Costoms & Folklore. Claim Book
42688 Folklore Of Madhya Pradesh. Parmar Shyam. National book trust Delhi. Costoms & Folklore. Claim Book
42689 Folklore of Madhya Pradesh. Parmar Shyam. National book trust Delhi. Costoms & Folklore. Claim Book
44791 Festivals of India. Goverment Of India. Publication Div. N.Delhi. Costoms & Folklore. Claim Book
44853 Proverbs of India. Narwane V. D. Friveni Sangam. Costoms & Folklore. Claim Book
44954 Proverbs of India. Naravane V. H. Narvane Pune. Costoms & Folklore. Claim Book
45046 Festivals of India. National Book Trust. India. National book Tr. N. Delhi. Costoms & Folklore. Claim Book
52417 Question Of Faith. Bharucha Rustom. Orient Longman. Hyderabad. Costoms & Folklore. Claim Book
52615 Question Of Faith. Bharucha Rustom. Orient Longman. Delhi. Costoms & Folklore. Claim Book
54265 Indian Costumes. Biswas Arabinda. Pub Division. Delhi. Costoms & Folklore. Claim Book
57788 Moral Instruction. Major H. Blackie and son. London. Costoms & Folklore. Claim Book
69451 Indian Folk Dances. Pani Jeevan. Publication Division . Calcutta. Costoms & Folklore. Claim Book
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