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Total Records : 182

Accession No. Book Name Author Publisher Subject Claim Book
32601 Best one act plays 1947- 48. Mayorga Maragaret. Doo. Mead . N. York. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32818 Works of William Shakespeare Gathered Into one Volume. Shakespeare William. Basil Blackwell . Oxford. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32819 Life ofwilliam Shakespeare. Lee Sidney. Smith Elder . London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32820 Age of Shakespeare. Swinburne A. C. Chatto . London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32821 Complete works of William shakespeare. Shakespeare William. Spring . ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32822 Age of Shakespeare. Ford Boris. Cassell . London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32823 Shakespeare. Murry Middleton. Jonathan Cape . London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32824 Shakespearean Tragedy. Bradley A. C. --- ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32825 Happy And Glorious. Houseman Laurence. Jonathan Cape . Lon. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32826 Dramatic works of Alfred Tennyson. Tennyson Alfred. Kegan Paul . London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32827 Dramatic works of Alfred Tennyson. Tennyson Alfred. Kegan paul . Lodnon. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32828 Indian Heroine. Education Society Press. E.S. Bombay ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32829 Plays. Galswarthy John. Duck worth . London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32830 Good Natured Man. Goldsmith. --- ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32831 Pygmalion. Shaw George Bernard. Penguin . London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32832 Frintiers of Drama. Fermor Una Ellis. Methun . London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32833 William Shakespeare. Madefirld John. William & Norgate . London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32834 Fifty Contemporary one act Plays. Shay Frand & Loving Pierre. world Pub. N. York. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32836 Johnson to Shakespeare. Ralegh Walter. Oxford Uni. Oxford. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32837 Sanskrit Drama. Bhat Vishwas G. --- ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32838 Beauties of shakespeare. Dodd William. George R. Lon. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32839 Doctors Dilemma etc. Shaw George Bernard. Constable . London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32840 The Life and Teaching of Tukaram. Tukaram. Lit. Society. Madras. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32841 Way to Treat A Woman. Hackett Walter. Sawuel French . London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32842 Shakespeares KingLear & Indian Politics. Miller William Allen. Sawuel French . London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32843 Works Of William Shakespeare. Clark W. G. & Wright W. A. Macmillon. London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32844 Dramatic Opinions & Essays with An Apology. Shaw George Bernard. Brenton . N. York. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32845 Back To Methuselah. Shaw George Bernard. Constable . London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32846 Works of William Shakespeare. Knight Charles. George R. London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32847 Women. Boothe Clare. Randoll House . N. York. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32848 Geneva. Shaw George Bernard. Canstable . London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32849 Johnson over Jordon. Priestley J. B. W. Heinemann. London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32850 Badgers Green. Sherriff K.C. Samuel French. London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32851 Children In Uniform. Windloe Christa. Samuel French . London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32852 S.O.S. Ellis Walter. Samuel French . London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32853 Tudor Wench. Thane Elswyth. Samuel French . London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32854 Nine Till Six. Stuart Aimee & Stuart Philip. Samuel French . London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32855 DrawThe Fires. Toller Ernest. Boldley Head . London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32856 Christopher Columbus. Macneice Louise. Faber & Faber . London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32857 Susannah & The Elders. Bridie James. Constable . London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32858 Damaged Goods. Shaw George Bernard. A.C. Fitield . London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32859 Book of Short plays. Heywood John. University press . Oxford. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32860 Tragical History of Doctor Faustus. Marlowe Christopher. University Press. Oxford. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32861 School mistress. Pinero Arthur W. William Heinemann. London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32862 The post Office. Tagore Rabindranath. Macmillon & co . London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32863 THe Hobby Horse. Pinero Arthur W. W. Heinemann . London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32864 Lady Bountiful. Pinero Arthur W. william & H. London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32865 Drama & Dramatists. Kuhne Louis. Kulkarni . Satara. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32867 Berg. Raymond Earnest. Ernest Benna ltd. London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32868 Four Short Plays. Abercrombie Lascelles. Martin Secker .London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32869 Ideal Husband.-10. Wilde Oscar. Methuen & co . London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32870 Marriage Is No Joke. Bridie James. Constable & Co. London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32871 Blind Goddess. Toller Ernest. Bodley Head Ltd . London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32872 Queens Husband. Sherwood Robert E. Charles S. Sons . London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32873 Idiots Delight. Sherwood Robert E. William H. Ltd . London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32874 Old English. Galswarthy John. Duckworth. London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32875 Cycle of spring. Tagore Rabindranath. Macmillon & co. London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32876 Pelleas and Melisanda. Maeterlink Maurice. George allen . & co. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32877 Apple Cart. George Bernard Shaw. Constable & co. London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32878 Sweet Lavender. Pinero Arthur W. W. Heinemann. London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32879 Mrs. Warens Profession. Shaw George Bernard. Constable . &co. London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32888 Henry The Eighth. Shakespeare William. Longmans G. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32889 Plays. W.S. Maugham. William H. Ltd . London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32892 Plays. Galswarthy John. Duck worth London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
32935 Best one act Plays. Miller Hugh. G. Harrap . London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
34208 Shakespeaers : Merchant of Venice. Shakespeare William. Longmans . London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
34209 Plays of J. M. Barrie : Quality Street. Barrie J. M. Hodder . London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
35339 Plays Of William Shakespeare. Charles & Clarke Mary Cawden. Cassell. London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
35455 Studies In The Sanskrit Drama. Bhat Vishwas G. R. G. Joshi. Dharwad. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
35838 Complete Plays. Shaw George Bernard. Home Lib. London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
35916 Drama Laver James. Studio. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
35917 World Drama. Nicoll Allardyce. G. G.Harrap. London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
35919 Complete Plays. Shaw George Bernard. Home Lib. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
35926 Plays of J. B. Priestley. Priestley J. B. W. Heinemann. London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
35927 Plays of J. B. Priestley. Priestley J. B. W. Heinemann. London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
36519 Red Oleamders. Tagore Rabindranath. Macmillon London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
39399 Best Television Humor of the Year. Settlel Irving. Ace Books N. Y. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
39488 No exit & three other plays. Sartre Jean Paul. Vintage Books N. Y. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
40222 Arthur Millers Collected plays. Sachder R. N. Allied pub. pri. limited N. Delhi. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
42371 Plays. Tolstoy Leo. Oxford un. press London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
42425 Plays. Galswarthy John. Duck Worth London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
45082 Capital. Bhasl Thoppil Kerala S. Aka. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
45358 Five Plays. Mahasweta Devi. Naveen Kishore Calcutta. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
49075 Candida. Shaw George Bernard. Orient Limited . Delhi. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
50715 One Trick Poney. Simon Paul. Alfred a Knofp. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
51147 Gyrano de Bergerac. Rostand Edmond. Random House . Canda. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
60473 Mr.Sapatnekars Chil and four Billion forget fuls. Sathe Makarand. Seagull books Calcutta. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
68628 Modern Indian Drama. Deshpande G. P. UBs Pub. Kolkata. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
70067 Strife. Galswarthy John. --- ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
70352 Arms and THe Man. Shaw George Bernard. . ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
72241 Shakespeare Studies. Harrison G. B. . ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
74065 Modern Indian Plays - 1. Kambar Chandrasekhar. National School of Drama B.H. Delhi. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
74720 A Midsummer Nights Dream. Smith Evelyn. --- ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
75638 Bhasa -2. Venkatachalam V. Sahitya Akadmi. Delhi. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
77417 Collected Plays. Millers Arthur. Allied Pub. Pvt.Ltd. Delhi. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
77749 Plays Pleasant. Shaw George Bernard. Pentuin books Delhi. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
77900 Modern one act plays. Wayne P. Longmans Green. London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
77969 Nine Modern Plays. Hampden John. Nelson and Son London. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
78196 Chalachtta chanchari/ Lakshmans Shaktishail. Ray Sukumar. Sahita Akadami . Delhi. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
85452 Listen Janamejaya and other plays. Rangacharya. Sahitya Akademi . Delhi. ENGLISH DRAMA. Claim Book
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