आमची ओळख

ज्ञानाची उपासना हा समाजाच्या संस्कृतीचा मानदंड असतो. ज्ञानाला स्थल कालाच्या मर्यादा नसतात, तसेच त्याच्या उपासनेलादेखील जाती, धर्म, पंथ, भाषा, प्रांत यांची संकुचित बंधने अडवू शकत नाहीत. हेच ब्रीद मनाशी ठेवून गेली १६० वर्षे करवीर नगर वाचन मंदिर वाटचाल करीत आहे.


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Total Records : 1105

Accession No. Book Name Author Publisher Subject Claim Book
29427 Second Year Latin. William W. Ewbank. Longmans Green.London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
29445 Marchen And Frzyhfuiungen furanfanger. Guerber H. A. --- ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30595 Works Of Browne Thomas. Browne Thomas. Bell & Dadly. London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30608 Cermons on several subjects. Paley William. Longmans .LOndon. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30609 Sketch book. Irving Washington. Be..& Dadly . London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30611 Jha Commermoration Volume. Jha Ganganth. Orient book. Poona. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30614 Fact And Faith. Hardane J. B. S. walts & co. London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30615 Writer InArms. Fox Ralph. Lowrrnce .London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30618 Flights Of The Dragon. Binyon Laurence. John Murry. London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30619 Modern Problems. Lodge Oliver. Methun & co. London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30620 Essays on Hindusim. Ketkar Shridhar V. Lunace & co. London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30621 Speeches ans writings of sri Narayan G. Chandavarkar. Chandavarkar N.G. M.G.P.M. Bom. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30622 Speeches And Writings Of Sri Naryan G. Chandavakar. Chandavarkar N.G. M. G. P. M. Bombay. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30623 Works Of Browne Thomas. Browne Thomas. Bell & Dadly. London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30624 Facts and comments. Spencer Herbert. william & Nargate . London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30625 Select writings and speeches. Teleng K. T. --- ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30626 Western pictures for eastern studies. Lalvani R. w. Thacker. & Co. London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30627 Lay sermons Huxley Thomas H. Macmillan & co. London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30628 Occasional Addresses. Asquith H. H. Macmillian &co. london. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30629 Expansion ofEngland. Seeley J. R. Mamillan & co. London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30630 Percy Anecdotes. Reubern & Percy Shotto. Frederick warme . London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30631 Constitution Of Man. Combe George. S. Anadrews & Sons. Hartford. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30632 Speeches ofLord sydenham. Sydenham. Mission press. Kolh. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30633 Speeches of lord sydenham. Sydenham. Massion press. Kolh. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30634 Lord Macaulays Essays. Macaulay. Longmanms Green . London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30635 Essays and Remains of the Review. Vauhgan Robert Alferd. John w. Parkar . Lonodon. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30636 Curiocities Of Literature. Disraeli Isaac. Routledge. London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30637 Step inthe steamer. Ghose Babu Motilal. National Bureau . ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30638 Step inthe Steamer. Ghose Babu Motilal. National Bureau. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30639 Problems of the future and Essays. Laing Samuel. Chaupman & hall. London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30640 Franklin Et Chester Field. Wilson Green A. university press. Cambridge. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30641 Speeches Of Sir Randoloph Churchill. Churchill Randolph S. George R. London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30642 Selections from Ingersoll. Gopal Ram. Josyer & co. Mysore. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30643 Selections from Jngersoll. Gopal Ram. Josys & co. Mysore. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30644 Book of Public speaking. Fox Davis Arther C. Caxton. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30646 Weavers Daughter : The Honest Waterman. Archer Joseph. American Tract Society. New York. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30647 Essays Concerning Human understanding. Locke John Longman . LOndon. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30648 Essays Concerning Human understanding. Locke John Longman . London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30651 Lord Macautays Essays. Macaulay. Longmans. Green . London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30652 Miscellaneous Essays. Cole Brooke H. T. Williambotham . Madras. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30653 Literay Life & Misecellanies. Galt John. william Blackhood. London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30654 Literacy Life & Miscellants. Galt John. william Blackhood . London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30655 Patch work.3. Hall Basil. Edward Maxon . London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30656 Patch wark. Hall Basil. Edward Maxon . London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30657 Patch work. Galt John. Edward Maxon . London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30658 Young cottager. Richmand Legh. Ameran Tract. c. N. York. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30659 Villages inthe Mountain. American Tractociety. A.T.S. N. York. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30660 Mary of Toulouse. American Tractociety. A.I.S. london. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30661 Parley the Porter. American Tractociety. A.I.S. London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30662 Science and Hebrew tradition. Huxley Thomas H. Macmillian & co. London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30663 Science ans Education. Huxley Thomas H. Macmillion & co. london. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30664 Bartle Frers speeches and Addersses. Frere Bartle. --- ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30665 Works Of Edmund Burke.5. Burke Edmund. Bell & Dadly. London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30666 1943 Saturday Book. Russell Lenoard. Hutchinson . london. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30668 Leaves in The Wind. Alpha of the Plough. J. M. Dent. London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30669 General Happiness. Macmillan Michael. swan sonne schem . London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30671 Hampton Court. Summerly Felix. George Bell. London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30673 Critical & Historicial Essays. Macaulay. Longmans Green.London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30674 Dual Resurrection. Mitford Bertram. ward lock. london. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30675 Darwinian essays. Huxley Thomas H. Macmillan .London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30676 Method and Results. Huxley Thomas H. Macmillan .London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30677 Progress and History. F. S. Marvin. oxford univ. press. London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30679 Fileding selection with Essays. Thackeray Hazlitt Scott. Clarendon. Oxford. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30680 Spencer Selections. Spencer Edmund. clearedon. Oxford. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30691 Typical Selections. Clarendon Press. claarendon . press. oxford. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30692 Reciprocal Influence on European and Mohammedan Civilization. Rege Y. M. Education soci. press. Bom. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30693 Half Hours with best Authours. Knight Charles. --- ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30694 An Introducation to the Study of Liferature. Hudson William Henry. George G. Haarrap. london. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30702 Kings Treasunries of Literature. Quiller Couch A. T. J.M. Dent. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30703 Ripleys New Believe it or nat. Ripley Robert. Pocket Book. N. York. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30705 Sesane and Lillies etc. Ruskin John. cassell. london. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30706 Victorian Prose -1830-80. Allott Kenneth & Miriam Penguins book. America. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30707 Prose of the romantic period.1700- 1830. Wright Raymond Penguins book. America. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30708 Eighteenth Century Prose.1700-80. Jefferson D. W. penguin book. American. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30709 Seventeenth Century prose. 1620- 1700. Ure Peter. Pengiun press .London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30710 Elizbethan & Jacobean Prose.1550- 1620. Muir Kenneth. B.G.P. Bom. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30715 View From New Delhi. Bowles Chester. Allied. Bombay. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
30716 Ripley belive ilt or not. Ripley Robert. pocket books. N. Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
31889 Critical & Historical Essays. Macaulay. Longmans . LOndon. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
31991 Torch : Instruction & Entertainment. Southerland & Knox. Southerland . Edinburg. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
35336 Whats what. Ouilter Harry. Sonnenschein . ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
35366 Mr. Punchs Book of Arms. Punchs. Bradbury . London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
35440 Commemorative Essays. Bhandarkar R. G. Bhanadarkar . Poona. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
35441 Spinoza. Allenson Picton J. Constable . London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
35787 Chambers Papers for The People. Chamber. Cassell. London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
35788 Chambers Papers for The People. Chamber. W.& R. Chambers . Edinburg. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
35789 Chambers Information For The People. Chamber. W&R Chambers. Edinburg. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
35920 World of Great Stories. Haydn H. & Curnos J. Crown . N. York. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
36157 Essays in Autobiography. Pasternak Boris. Collins. London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
36192 Points of View. Maugham Somerset W. Heinemann. London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
36242 Strategy of Peace. Kennedy John F. Asia . Bombay. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
36247 Twelve Years In Parliament. Deogirikar T. R. Chitrashala . Poona. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
36336 Speeches And Writhings. Gokhale G. G. Asia Bombay. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
36404 Five Laws of Library Science. Ranganathan S. R. Asia Bombay. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
36439 Trail On The Dinosaur. Koester Arthur. Collins London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
36484 Selected Writing of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Atkinson Brooks. Modern Lib N.York. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
36568 Beside Book of The Art of living. Readers Digest Association. R.A.D. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
39506 Seletions from Mathew Arnolds prose. Somervell D. C. Methuenand Co. L.T.D. London. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
39507 Pumpkin Farm. Kulkarni G. V. S.K. Martand . Kolhapur. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
40125 Art of Conversation. Muir D. Erskine. S.C.& Co. (Pvt)N. Delhi. ENGLISH ESSAYS. Claim Book
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