Accession No. | Book Name | Author | Publisher | Subject | Claim Book |
29214 | Dadra And Nagar-Haveli.Past And Present. | Lele P. S. | --- | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
29216 | Great Rehearsal : The Story of the manking and ratify of the consutitution.of the unitied states. | Doren Carl Van. | Tata Mc. hil Pub. Co. ltd. N. Delhi. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
29542 | The Spirit Of Indian Freedom Movement. | Rajurkar N. G. | Academy Of Gandhian Studies. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
29588 | Parties and Politics in America . 1. | Rassiter Clinton. | A. Mentor Book .N. York. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
29912 | New India. | Cotton H. J. S. | Kegan Paul. London. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
30041 | New India. | Cotton H. J. S. | --- | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
30919 | Political Thought In England. | Davidson William L. | William & Nargate. London. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
31624 | History of the Farsis. | Karaka D. F. | Macmillan .London. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32507 | Writing forprofit. | Wilhelim Donald. | whittlesty House . lOndon. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32508 | --- | अज्ञात. | --- | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32509 | English Poets. | Ward Thomas H. | Macmillan & co. lOn. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32510 | English poets. | Ward Thomas H. | Macmillan & co. lOn. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32511 | Art of Public Speaking. | Neil Samuel. | Houtston . Lon. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32512 | Minor Pleasures of life. | Macaulay Rose. | Victor G. lon. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32513 | Miscellaneous Essays relsting to Indian subhj ects. | Hodgston Brain Houghton. | Trubner . Lon. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32514 | Miscellaneous Essays realating to Indian s ubjects. | Hodyston Brain Houghton. | Trubner. Lon. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32515 | Half Hours with the Best Authors. | Knight Charles. | F. Warne . Lon. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32516 | Critical Studies. | Ouida. | T. Fisher Unwin. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32517 | Words From The Poets. | C. M. V. | Macmillon. London. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32518 | Royal Readers. | Nelson T. | T. Nelson . LOn. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32519 | Pleasures | Willmott Robert Allis | THmos Bos worth . Lon. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32520 | Sixth ReaderFor Standard VI. | Longmans. | Longman . Lon. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32521 | H.H. or Pathology of princes. | Gauha Kanhayalal. | Times . Lahore. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32522 | Speeches and Addresses of his Highness Sayaj rao III. | Gaikwad Sayaj irao. | University press. Cambridge. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32523 | Speeches and Addresses ofhis Highness sayajrao III. | Sayaj irao Gaikwad. | University press. Cambridge. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32524 | Speechs and Addresses ofhis highness Sayaj rao III. | Gaikwad Sayaj irao. | University press. Cambridge. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32525 | Speakers Notebook. | Hoffman William G. | Whittlesy. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32526 | Chairman and shakespears guide. | Smith Thomas. | Edward Howell. Liverpool. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32527 | History Of Modern Marathi Literature. | Bhate Govind Chimnaj i. | G.C. Bhate. Bombay. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32528 | Do You Know This One?. | Artemas. | M. Gaith. London. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32529 | English poets. | Thomas Humphery Word. | Macmillon . Lon. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32530 | Outlines of Victorian Literature. | Hugh Walker & Hugh W. | university | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32531 | Life and Death. | Waterhouse E. | --- | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32532 | New Ways in English Literature. | Cousins James H. | Ganesh & co . Madras. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32533 | English poets. | Ward Thomas H. | Macmillon . Lond. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32534 | English Past & Present. | Trench Richard C. | J. w. Parker . LOn. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32535 | Author ! Author!. | Bridgewater Donald. | J. Westhouse. London. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32536 | Two Lectures on an Agesthetic ofLiterature. | Mardhekar B. S. | Kamatak. Bom. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32537 | Speech for Every Occasion. | Adgerton A. C. | Kitabistan . Allahabada. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32538 | Thesaurus of English words and phrases. | Roget Peter Mark. | Longman . Lon -. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32539 | Studies In Poetry and Philosophy. | Shairp J. C. | D. Douglas . Edinburgh. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32540 | Renaissance. | Sichel Edith. | William Nargete . LOndon. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32541 | Self Selected Essays. | Birrell Augustine. | Thomas Netson. LOn. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32542 | English Poets. | Ward Thomas H. | Macmillon . Lon. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32543 | Appreciations with an Essay on Style. | Peter Walter. | Macmillon . LOn. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32544 | Origin Of Attic Comedy. | Cornford F. M. | Edword. London. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32545 | Essays in Criticism. | Arnold Mathew. | Macmillon LOn. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32546 | Extracts from Holy Quran. | Mohamed Khalid. | Abdullah . Secundrabad. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32547 | We Cover Life. | Pandit L. K. & Kalyanpur G. S. & Panj abi. | Unites India . Bom. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32550 | Works Of Thomas Browne. | Browne Thomas. | H. G. Bohn. London. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32551 | Composition and Education. | Neil Samuel. | Houlston . LOn. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32552 | Literary Studies. | Bagehot Walter. | Longman . Lon. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32553 | Literary Studies. | Bagehot Walter. | Longman . Lon. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32554 | Literary Studies. | Bagehot Walter. | Longman . Lon. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32555 | Friends In Council. | Elder Smith. | S. Elder & co . LOndon. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32556 | Age Shakespear. | Ford Boris. | Penguin . LOn. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32557 | From Donneto Marvell. | Ford Boris. | Penguin . Lon. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32560 | From Drydon to Johnson. | Ford Boris. | Penguin . London. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
32801 | History of Scotland. | Scott Walter. | Longman . London. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
33454 | Mother India. | Maya. | --- | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
33455 | Guide to Bombay. | Maclean James Mackenzie. | G. Street . London. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
33456 | Outline of history. | Keightley Thomas. | Longman . London. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
33457 | Oriental Studies. | Muir John. | Ghasha & Bros . Calcutta. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
33458 | Vicissitudes of Aryan civilization In India. | Kunte Mahadeva M. | N. W. Ghumre . Bom. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
33459 | Students Historical Manual. | Vyas L. L. | --- | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
33460 | History Of Civilization In England. | Buckle Henry Thomas. | Longmans G. London. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
33461 | History Of Civilization In England. | Buckle Henry Thomas. | Longman G. London. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
33462 | Man And His Universe. | Davies J. L. | Harper & Bros. London. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
33463 | The Salvaging of Civilization. | Wells H. G. | Cassell . London. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
33464 | History of The world. | Sanderson Edgar. | Hutchinson . LOndon. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
33465 | Human Origins. | Laing Samuel. | Walts & co. London. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
33466 | Civilization of spain. | Trend J. B. | University Press. Oxford . | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
33467 | Annals Of India. | Buist George. | Time Press. Bombay. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
33468 | Behind Europes Curtain. | Gunther John. | Hamish Hamillton . LOndon. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
33469 | History ofAmerican Philosophy. | Schneider Herbert W. | Forum Books . N. YOrk. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
33470 | Arab Civilization. | Hell Joseph. | Shaikh M . Lahore. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
33471 | Notes of A Half - Pay.1. | Jesse. | James Modden . London. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
33472 | Notes of A Half Pay.2. | Jesse. | James Moddern . Lahore. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
33473 | An Account of some Recent discoveries in Hieroglyphical Literature and egyptian. | Young Thomas . | John Murray . Lodnon. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
33474 | Students Manual of Modern History. | Taylor W. C. | J. W. Parkar . LOndon. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
33475 | Scripture History. | Hall Joseph. | A . T. C. N. York. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
33476 | British Empire In The East. | Bj ornstijrma Count . | John Murray . London. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
33477 | Excusions In And About New Found Land.1. | Jukes J. B. | John Murry . London. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
33478 | History of Josiab The Young King of Judoh. | Robertson William. | A . T. C. N. York. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
33479 | History ofthe Reign of the Emperor Charles V.-3. | Robertson William. | W. H. Reid . London. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
33480 | History of the Reigon of the Emperor Charles V.-4. | Robertson William. | W. H. Reid. London. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
33481 | Kashmir Question. | Noorani A. G. | Manakdalas .BOm. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
33482 | Comscience Of A Liberal. | Bowles Chester. | Ataram & Sons. Delhi. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
33483 | Adventures of Ideas. | Whitehead Alfred North. | Penguin Books . Lodnon. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
33484 | Man The Unknown. | Carrel Alexis. | Penguin Books . London. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
33485 | Story of Civilization. | Joad C. E. M. | A&c . Blaxk . London. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
33486 | Indias Cultural Empire and her Future. | Mitra Sisirkumar. | Aurobindo Lib. Madras. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
33487 | To Badrinath. | Munshi Kanaiyalal M . | Bhartiya Vidya . Bom. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
33488 | Light cut of France. | Stanbury J. G. & Chisholm A. R. | Angus . N. York. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
33489 | Greek way to western Civilization. | Hamilton Edith. | N. A. Lib. N. York. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
33490 | American In Perspective. | Commager H. S. | N. A. Lib. N. York. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
33491 | History of The Marathas. | Duff James Grant. | Exchange Press. Bombay. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
33492 | Historical Facts. | Heaton I. I. | --- | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
33493 | History Of British Empire. | Chambers W. R. | W. R. Chambers. London. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |
33494 | HIstory of The Year. | Galpin & Petter Cassell. | C.P.G. London. | ENGLISH HISTORY. | Claim Book |