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Pramukh Type Pad is used for typing easily into Indian languages. It follows 'The way you speak, the way you type' rule. Following image shows which character will be shown by pressing which corresponding English letter. Example for various combination of letters are given only for one character but it is true for each alphabet.
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Total Records : 3484

Accession No. Book Name Author Publisher Subject Claim Book
29214 Dadra And Nagar-Haveli.Past And Present. Lele P. S. --- ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
29216 Great Rehearsal : The Story of the manking and ratify of the consutitution.of the unitied states. Doren Carl Van. Tata Mc. hil Pub. Co. ltd. N. Delhi. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
29542 The Spirit Of Indian Freedom Movement. Rajurkar N. G. Academy Of Gandhian Studies. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
29588 Parties and Politics in America . 1. Rassiter Clinton. A. Mentor Book .N. York. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
29912 New India. Cotton H. J. S. Kegan Paul. London. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
30041 New India. Cotton H. J. S. --- ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
30919 Political Thought In England. Davidson William L. William & Nargate. London. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
31624 History of the Farsis. Karaka D. F. Macmillan .London. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32507 Writing forprofit. Wilhelim Donald. whittlesty House . lOndon. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32508 --- अज्ञात. --- ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32509 English Poets. Ward Thomas H. Macmillan & co. lOn. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32510 English poets. Ward Thomas H. Macmillan & co. lOn. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32511 Art of Public Speaking. Neil Samuel. Houtston . Lon. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32512 Minor Pleasures of life. Macaulay Rose. Victor G. lon. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32513 Miscellaneous Essays relsting to Indian subhj ects. Hodgston Brain Houghton. Trubner . Lon. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32514 Miscellaneous Essays realating to Indian s ubjects. Hodyston Brain Houghton. Trubner. Lon. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32515 Half Hours with the Best Authors. Knight Charles. F. Warne . Lon. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32516 Critical Studies. Ouida. T. Fisher Unwin. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32517 Words From The Poets. C. M. V. Macmillon. London. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32518 Royal Readers. Nelson T. T. Nelson . LOn. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32519 Pleasures Willmott Robert Allis THmos Bos worth . Lon. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32520 Sixth ReaderFor Standard VI. Longmans. Longman . Lon. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32521 H.H. or Pathology of princes. Gauha Kanhayalal. Times . Lahore. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32522 Speeches and Addresses of his Highness Sayaj rao III. Gaikwad Sayaj irao. University press. Cambridge. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32523 Speeches and Addresses ofhis Highness sayajrao III. Sayaj irao Gaikwad. University press. Cambridge. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32524 Speechs and Addresses ofhis highness Sayaj rao III. Gaikwad Sayaj irao. University press. Cambridge. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32525 Speakers Notebook. Hoffman William G. Whittlesy. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32526 Chairman and shakespears guide. Smith Thomas. Edward Howell. Liverpool. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32527 History Of Modern Marathi Literature. Bhate Govind Chimnaj i. G.C. Bhate. Bombay. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32528 Do You Know This One?. Artemas. M. Gaith. London. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32529 English poets. Thomas Humphery Word. Macmillon . Lon. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32530 Outlines of Victorian Literature. Hugh Walker & Hugh W. university ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32531 Life and Death. Waterhouse E. --- ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32532 New Ways in English Literature. Cousins James H. Ganesh & co . Madras. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32533 English poets. Ward Thomas H. Macmillon . Lond. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32534 English Past & Present. Trench Richard C. J. w. Parker . LOn. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32535 Author ! Author!. Bridgewater Donald. J. Westhouse. London. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32536 Two Lectures on an Agesthetic ofLiterature. Mardhekar B. S. Kamatak. Bom. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32537 Speech for Every Occasion. Adgerton A. C. Kitabistan . Allahabada. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32538 Thesaurus of English words and phrases. Roget Peter Mark. Longman . Lon -. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32539 Studies In Poetry and Philosophy. Shairp J. C. D. Douglas . Edinburgh. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32540 Renaissance. Sichel Edith. William Nargete . LOndon. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32541 Self Selected Essays. Birrell Augustine. Thomas Netson. LOn. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32542 English Poets. Ward Thomas H. Macmillon . Lon. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32543 Appreciations with an Essay on Style. Peter Walter. Macmillon . LOn. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32544 Origin Of Attic Comedy. Cornford F. M. Edword. London. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32545 Essays in Criticism. Arnold Mathew. Macmillon LOn. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32546 Extracts from Holy Quran. Mohamed Khalid. Abdullah . Secundrabad. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32547 We Cover Life. Pandit L. K. & Kalyanpur G. S. & Panj abi. Unites India . Bom. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32550 Works Of Thomas Browne. Browne Thomas. H. G. Bohn. London. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32551 Composition and Education. Neil Samuel. Houlston . LOn. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32552 Literary Studies. Bagehot Walter. Longman . Lon. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32553 Literary Studies. Bagehot Walter. Longman . Lon. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32554 Literary Studies. Bagehot Walter. Longman . Lon. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32555 Friends In Council. Elder Smith. S. Elder & co . LOndon. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32556 Age Shakespear. Ford Boris. Penguin . LOn. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32557 From Donneto Marvell. Ford Boris. Penguin . Lon. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32560 From Drydon to Johnson. Ford Boris. Penguin . London. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
32801 History of Scotland. Scott Walter. Longman . London. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
33454 Mother India. Maya. --- ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
33455 Guide to Bombay. Maclean James Mackenzie. G. Street . London. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
33456 Outline of history. Keightley Thomas. Longman . London. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
33457 Oriental Studies. Muir John. Ghasha & Bros . Calcutta. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
33458 Vicissitudes of Aryan civilization In India. Kunte Mahadeva M. N. W. Ghumre . Bom. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
33459 Students Historical Manual. Vyas L. L. --- ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
33460 History Of Civilization In England. Buckle Henry Thomas. Longmans G. London. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
33461 History Of Civilization In England. Buckle Henry Thomas. Longman G. London. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
33462 Man And His Universe. Davies J. L. Harper & Bros. London. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
33463 The Salvaging of Civilization. Wells H. G. Cassell . London. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
33464 History of The world. Sanderson Edgar. Hutchinson . LOndon. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
33465 Human Origins. Laing Samuel. Walts & co. London. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
33466 Civilization of spain. Trend J. B. University Press. Oxford . ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
33467 Annals Of India. Buist George. Time Press. Bombay. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
33468 Behind Europes Curtain. Gunther John. Hamish Hamillton . LOndon. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
33469 History ofAmerican Philosophy. Schneider Herbert W. Forum Books . N. YOrk. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
33470 Arab Civilization. Hell Joseph. Shaikh M . Lahore. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
33471 Notes of A Half - Pay.1. Jesse. James Modden . London. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
33472 Notes of A Half Pay.2. Jesse. James Moddern . Lahore. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
33473 An Account of some Recent discoveries in Hieroglyphical Literature and egyptian. Young Thomas . John Murray . Lodnon. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
33474 Students Manual of Modern History. Taylor W. C. J. W. Parkar . LOndon. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
33475 Scripture History. Hall Joseph. A . T. C. N. York. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
33476 British Empire In The East. Bj ornstijrma Count . John Murray . London. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
33477 Excusions In And About New Found Land.1. Jukes J. B. John Murry . London. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
33478 History of Josiab The Young King of Judoh. Robertson William. A . T. C. N. York. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
33479 History ofthe Reign of the Emperor Charles V.-3. Robertson William. W. H. Reid . London. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
33480 History of the Reigon of the Emperor Charles V.-4. Robertson William. W. H. Reid. London. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
33481 Kashmir Question. Noorani A. G. Manakdalas .BOm. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
33482 Comscience Of A Liberal. Bowles Chester. Ataram & Sons. Delhi. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
33483 Adventures of Ideas. Whitehead Alfred North. Penguin Books . Lodnon. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
33484 Man The Unknown. Carrel Alexis. Penguin Books . London. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
33485 Story of Civilization. Joad C. E. M. A&c . Blaxk . London. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
33486 Indias Cultural Empire and her Future. Mitra Sisirkumar. Aurobindo Lib. Madras. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
33487 To Badrinath. Munshi Kanaiyalal M . Bhartiya Vidya . Bom. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
33488 Light cut of France. Stanbury J. G. & Chisholm A. R. Angus . N. York. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
33489 Greek way to western Civilization. Hamilton Edith. N. A. Lib. N. York. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
33490 American In Perspective. Commager H. S. N. A. Lib. N. York. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
33491 History of The Marathas. Duff James Grant. Exchange Press. Bombay. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
33492 Historical Facts. Heaton I. I. --- ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
33493 History Of British Empire. Chambers W. R. W. R. Chambers. London. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
33494 HIstory of The Year. Galpin & Petter Cassell. C.P.G. London. ENGLISH HISTORY. Claim Book
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