Accession No. | Book Name | Author | Publisher | Subject | Claim Book |
29203 | The Sunni Path. | Waqf Ikhlas. | Waqfikhlas Turkey. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
29204 | Belif And Islam. | Khalid Al-Baghdadi. | Waqf Ikntas. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
29358 | Message Of Bhagwan Balayogi. | Time Magnets Bhagwan Balayogwara Charitamrutam. | --- | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
29402 | Confessions Of A British Spy & The British Enmity Against Islam. | Hakikat Kitabevi. | Waqf Ikntas. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
29460 | Seven Great Religions. | Annie Besant. | --- | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
29533 | The Genious Of Dnyaneshwar. | Thatte Ravin. | B.K.L. Walawalkar Hospital | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
30558 | Vedic Chronology & Vedanga Jyotisha. | Tilak Bal Gangadhar. | Tilak Bros. Poona. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
30559 | White Yajurveda. | Griffith Ralph T. H. | J | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
30580 | Kadambari of Bana. | Karmarkar R. D. | Karmarkar . Poona. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
30581 | Bhagvad Gita. | Naranarayan. | Newell press. Lacknow. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
30992 | Mahabharata. | Vyasa Krishna D. | Bharata press. Calcutta. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31192 | Textbook of Theosophy. | Leadbeater C. W. | Theosophical Madras. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31230 | Sacred Books Of The World. | Bouguet A. C. | Penguin Books. London. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31231 | All Religions are True. | Gandhi M. K. | Bharatiya Vidya . B. Bom. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31232 | Essential Unity of All Religions. | Das Bhagavan. | Ananda. Benaras. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31233 | Critical Examination ofPhilosophy of Religion. | Santinatha. | M.M. Seth. Amalner. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31234 | Critical Examination of Philosophy ofReligion.2. | Santinatha. | M.M. seth . Amalner. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31235 | Analogy Of Religion. | Butler Joseph. | W. & R. Chambers. Edinbuag. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31236 | Analogy Of Religion. | Butler Joseph. | W. & R. Chambers. Edinbuag. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31237 | Unity of Asiatic Thought of All Religions. | Das Bhagavan. | Theosophical Soc. Benaras. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31238 | Analogy Of Religion. | Butler Joseph. | W. & R. Chambers. Edinburg. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31239 | Religious systems of the world. | Thies Conrad W. | Swan & sonne. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31240 | Laws from Heaven For Life on Earth. | Govt. Of Maharashtra. | Govt. Of Maharashtra. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31251 | Religion. | Lenin V. I. | Lowfernce & wishart . London. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31252 | Sayings of the Prophet Mohammad. | Fazal Mirza Abul. | Reform Socirty . Alahabad. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31253 | Modern society. | Sinclanins Calkerine. | Longman . London. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31254 | Bahai Movement. | Bombay Bahai Spritual Assembly. | B. B. S. A. Bombay. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31255 | Religlon and Sciences of life. | Macdougall William. | Methuen & co. London. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31256 | Service of Man. | Morison James Cotter. | Kegan Paul. London. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31257 | Sacred Kural. | Popley H. A. | Oxford Univ. Press. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31258 | Our Heritage. | Sharma S. S. | Hind Kitab . Bom. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31259 | Natural Religion. | Max Muller F. | Longman Green . London. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31260 | Great Exibition Prize Essay. | Whish J. C. | longman green . London. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31261 | Brahmavadin. | Bramhmavadin. | B. Press. Madras. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31262 | Three World Movements. | Besant Annie. | Theosophical. Madras. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31263 | Challange To The Churches. | Macmurray John. | Kegan paul . Lonodon. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31264 | Ramanama - The Intallible Remedy. | Gandhi M. K. | --- | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31265 | Religion as a bar to Progress. | Gorham Charles T. | Walts & CO. London. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31266 | Brahmavadin. | Bramhmavadin. | B. Press. Madras. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31267 | Brahmavadin.5. | Bramhmavadin. | B.Press. Madras. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31268 | Christian Spectator. | Webster E. A. | American Press. Bom. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31269 | Religion of India. | Barth A. | Kegan Paul. London. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31270 | Orpheus. | Simmonds Florence. | W. Heinmann . London. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31271 | Physical Religion. | Max Muller F. | Longmans Green . London. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31272 | Can Intellect Comprehend Religion?. | Tulsi Acharya. | Adarsh Sahitya Sangh.Rajastan. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31273 | East And West religion. | Rradhakrishnan S. | George Allen. London. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31274 | Natural Theology. | Paley William. | W&R. Chambers . Edinburg. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31275 | Outer Court. | Besant Annie. | Theosophical Madras. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31276 | Duties Of The Thiosophist. | Besant Annie. | Theosophical. Madras. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31277 | Theosophy And Lifes Deeper Problem. | Besant Annie. | T. P. S. London. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31278 | Health & The Spiritual life. | Hoddson Geoffrey. | Theosophical London. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31279 | Talks on at the Feet of the Master. | Leadbeater C. W. | Theosophical London. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31280 | Ocean of Theosophy. | Judge William Q. | Theosophical London. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31282 | Rationalism In Europe. | Lecky W. E. H. | Longmans Green . London. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31283 | Age of Reason. | Paine Thomas. | walts &co. london. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31284 | Astral Plane. | Leadbeater C. W. | THeosophical . London. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31285 | Talks on at the feet of the Master. | Leadbeater C. W. | Theosophical . London. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31286 | Inner Life 2. | Leadbeater C. W. | Theosophical . Madras. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31287 | Some Problems Of Life. | Besant Annie. | Theosoplical. London. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31288 | Derachanic Plane. | Leadbeater C. W. | Theosplical .LOndon. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31289 | Pedigreen Of Man. | Besant Annie. | Theosplical. Benaras. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31290 | Seven Principles Of Man. | Besant Annie. | Theosophical. Benaras. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31291 | Karma. | Besant Annie. | Theosophical Benaras. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31292 | Dharma. | Besant Annie. | Theosophical Benaras. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31293 | Man And His Bodies. | Besant Annie. | Theosphical. Benaras. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31294 | Man And His Bodies. | Besant Annie. | Theosophical. Benaras. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31295 | Problems Of Reconstruction. | Besant Annie. | Theosophical. Banaras . | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31296 | Buildings Of The Kosmos. | Besant Annie. | Theosophical. Madras. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31297 | Theosophy & Theosophical Society. | Besant Annie. | Theosophical . Madras. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31298 | Ideals Of Theosophy. | Besant Annie. | Theosophical. Madras. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31299 | Death And After. | Besant Annie. | Theosophical. London. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31300 | Laws Of Higher Life. | Besant Annie. | --- | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31301 | Study In Karama. | Besant Annie. | Theosophical. London. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31302 | Path of Discliple Ship. | Besant Annie. | Annie Besant. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31303 | Seven Principles Of Man. | Besant Annie. | Theosophical. London. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31304 | Karma. | Besant Annie. | Theosophical London. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31305 | Reincarnation. | Besant Annie. | Theosophical . London. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31306 | Avataras. | Besant Annie. | Theosophical London. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31307 | Astral Plane. | Leadbeater C. W. | Theosophical . London. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31308 | Jnner Life. | Besant Annie. | Theosophical Madras. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31309 | Scintific Corriborations of Theosophy. | Marques A. | Theosophical London. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31310 | Physics of the secret doctrine. | Kingsland William. | Theosophical . London. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31311 | Art as will Idea. | Jinarajadasa C. | Theosophical London. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31312 | Pedigree Of Man. | Besant Annie. | Theosophical. London. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31313 | Theosophy | Besant Annie. | Theosophical. London. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31314 | Duties Of The Thiosophist. | Besant Annie. | Theosophical. London. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31315 | Changing World. | Besant Annie. | Theosophical. London. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31316 | Ancient Wisdom. | Annie Besant. | Theosophical. London. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31317 | Seven Year Plan. | Arundale G. S. | Theosophical. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31318 | Theosophy For Beginners. | Christie C. W. | Theasophical. Madras. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31319 | Jnquiry into thePrinciples of Modern Theosophy. | Wadia Pestonj i A. | B.T. Bom. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31320 | Kingdom of Faerie Geoffrey Hodson. | Geoffre Hodson. | Theosophical . London. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31321 | Theosophy and Reconstruction. | Jinarajadasa C. | Theosophical . London. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31322 | Growth of National Consciousness. | Arundale G. S. | Theosophical. Madras. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31323 | Building Of The Kosmos. | Besant Annie. | Theosophical. Madras. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31324 | Theosophists Attitude. | Leadbeater C. W. | Theosophical . London. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31325 | Starlight. | Leadbeater C. W. | Theosophical .Madras. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31326 | Gospel of Religion. | Ramswami Aiyar N. K. | Kalyamsundaram . Tanjore. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31327 | At TheFeet of the Master. | Krishnamurti F. | Theosophiest . Madaras. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |
31328 | Devachanic plane. | Leadbeater C. W. | Theosophical . Soc. Madras. | ENGLISH RELIGION. | Claim Book |