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ज्ञानाची उपासना हा समाजाच्या संस्कृतीचा मानदंड असतो. ज्ञानाला स्थल कालाच्या मर्यादा नसतात, तसेच त्याच्या उपासनेलादेखील जाती, धर्म, पंथ, भाषा, प्रांत यांची संकुचित बंधने अडवू शकत नाहीत. हेच ब्रीद मनाशी ठेवून गेली १६० वर्षे करवीर नगर वाचन मंदिर वाटचाल करीत आहे.


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Total Records : 443

Accession No. Book Name Author Publisher Subject Claim Book
30474 Poems. Shungloo Krishan. Free India. Lahore. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32660 Cheap Repository Tracts.4. More Hannah & Etc. American . Tract. N. York. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32661 Cheap Repository Tracts .5. More Hannah & Etc. American Tracts. N. York. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32662 Cheap Repository Tracts.6. More Hannah & Etc. American Tracts . N. York. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32663 Cheap Repository Tracts.7. More Hannah & Etc. American Tract. N. York. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32664 Cheap Repository Tracts.8. More Hannah & Etc. American Tracts . N. York. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32665 Jennys Ark. Strang. Humphuey . LOndon. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32666 Ramber. Marphy Arthur. --- ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32667 Advanced Reader. Nelson. Nelson . London. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32668 Rogets college Thesaurus. Roget Peter Mark. American Lib. N. York. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32669 Scarlet Letter. Hawthorne Nathaniel. Harper & Row . N. York. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32670 New Continent and a New Nation. Angle Paul M. Fawcett . N. York. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32671 Prince and Thepauper. Twain Mark. Harper & Row. London. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32672 Great Short works ofJack London. London Jack. Harper & row. N. York. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32673 Writer In American. Brooks Van Wyck. An Anvon . lon. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32674 Two Years Before The Mast. Dana Richard Henry. Harper & Row . N. York. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32675 Introduction tothe Study of English Literature. Shrinivas Iyengar K. R. Asia. Bom. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32695 Poets Of Tomarrow. Bateman John. Hagarth. London. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32738 Pumpkin farm. Kulkarni G. V. S.K. Marland . Kolhapur. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32739 Meghaduta. Kalidasa. Sahitya Accademi . N. Delhi. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32740 Creative Element. Spencer Stephen. H. Hamiton . London. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32741 Poetry And The Age. Jerrell Randoll. Faber . London. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32742 Ballet. Amberg George N. American . N. York. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32743 Bharat Milap. Rajagopalachari C. Publication . div. India. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32744 American Poems. Untermeyer Louis. Pocket books . N. York. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32745 Savitri. Sri Aurobindo. Aurbiondo . Ashram . Pondichary. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32746 King Henry IV. Shakespeare William. Longman London. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32747 Getting to Know English Literature. Williams T. G. Thrift Books . ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32748 Owl in the Attic. Thurber James. Harpeer & ROw . N. York. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32749 ABC of Basic English. Ogden C. K. Kegan paul . London. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32751 White Mans Test. Boulle Pieree. Fontang Collins. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32752 Robert Browning : Poetry And Prose. Browning Robert. H. Milford. Oxford. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32753 Expression Of The Emotions In Man & Animals. Darwin Charles. John Murray. London. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32754 Lady of the Last Minstrel. Scott. K& S. Kooper . Bom. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32755 Shelley Adonais. Shelley. Modern . Bom. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32756 Macaulays Haratius. Macaulay. K& J . Kooper . Bom. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32757 Lady of the Lake. Scott Walter. Blackie . London. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32758 Lady of the lake. Scott Walter. Blackie . London. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32759 Pomes of Shelley. Shelley. Macmillon . London. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32760 Four Quartets. Eliot T. S. Faber . LOndon. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32761 Canterbury Tales. Chaucer. & Geoffery. Penguin. London. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32762 Dr. Nortons wife. Walker. Dell. N. York. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32763 Voice of the Uninvilved. Rajagopalachari C. National book . India. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32764 To Live in Peace & Friendship. Khrushchov N. S. Soviet lands. N. Delhi. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32765 Immortal Friend. Krishnamurti J. Star. Holland. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32766 To Europa. Vakil Raman. Padma . Bom. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32767 Songs of life. Krishnamurti J. star . Holland. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32768 Search. Krishnamurti J. Star . Holland. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32769 Poems Of Robert Green Christopher Marlowe & Ben Johnoson. Bell Robert. George Bell. London. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32770 Reocords of Tennyson Ritchie Anne. Macmillon . London. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32771 Illustrated British Ballads. Smith George Barnett. Cassell . London. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32772 Illustrated British Ballads. Smith George Barnett. Cassell . London. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32773 Complete Poetry & selected prose ofJohn Milton. Milton John. Modern . N. York. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32774 Great poems from Shakespeare to M. Hopkins. Hampden John. Pan books . London. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32775 Scotts Rokeby. Scott Robert H. K.&. J Cooper . Bom. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32776 Poetical works of E. Young.2. Young Edward George Bell . LOndon. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32777 Poetical works of E. Young.1. Young Edward George Bell. Lodnon. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32778 Poetical works of Edmund Spencer. Spencer Edmund. George Bell . London. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32779 Poetical works of Edmund Spencer.2. Spencer Edmund. George Bell . London. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32780 Poetical works of Edmund Spencer. Spencer Edmund. Gerorge Bell . lOndon. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32781 Poetical works of Edmund Spencer.4. Spencer Edmund. George Bell. LOndon. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32782 Poetical works of Edmund Spencer.5. Spencer Edmund. George Bell . London. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32783 Poetical works of W. Scott. Scott Walter. F. Warn . London. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32784 Sceptred Flute songs ofIndia. Naidu Saroj ini. Kitabistan . Allahabad. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32785 Ivor Tower. Dongerkery S. R. East & west books . Baroda. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32786 Indian Idylts. Arnold Edwin. Trubner . London. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32787 Princes. Tennyson Alfred. M.Edward . London. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32788 Poetical works of J. Milton. Milton John. Bliss ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32789 Poetical Works Of Robert Burns. Burns Robert. W. P. Nimmo. Edinburg. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32790 Poetical works of T . Moore. Moore Thomas. F. Warne . LOndon. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32791 Pocket Books of Verse. Speare M. E. Pocket Books. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32792 Fifteen poets. English Language Book Society. F.L.B.S. Oxford. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32793 Poetry. Monroe Harriet. --- ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32794 Selected Poetry of W. H. Auden. Auden W. H. Modern Lib. New York. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32795 Far Ascent. Bhushan V. N. Padma . Bombay. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32796 Lovers Gift and Crossing. Tagore Rabindranath. Macmillon . London. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32797 Two Voices. Tennyson. Modern . Karachi. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32798 Poems. Ramdas. Anandashram . Ramnagar. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32799 RISI : A. Poem. Author. Dnyan Prakash . Poona. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32800 Baj i Prabhu. Sri Aurobindo. A. Asharam . Pondicherry. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32802 Kalidasa. Sri Aurobindo. Ashrama Pondicherry. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32803 Collected Poems & Plays. Sri Aurobindo. A. Ashram . Poondichery. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32804 Collected Poems & Plays. Sri Aurobindo. A. Ashram. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32805 Ingoldsby Legends. Ingoldsby Thomas. R. Dently . London. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32806 Satires Of Dryden. Collins John Churton. Macmillon. London. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32807 Virgils Aeneid. Dryden John. R. George . London. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32808 Histroic Scenes and Poetic Fancies. Strickland Agnes. Henry Colbum . London. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32809 Siege of Barcelona. Hippistey Gustavus B. W.J. Cleaver . London. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32810 Your Tagore for Today. Tagore Rabindranath. Peples Pub. Bom. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32811 Miltons Poetry. Milton. --- ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32812 Pardadise Lost. Milton. Dorabji J. Bombay ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32813 Prince of Light. Jhabvala S. H. Karnatak . Bombay ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32814 Prince ofLight. Jhabvala S. H. Karnatak . Bombay ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32815 Prince Of Light. Jhabvala S. H. Karnatak . Bombay ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32816 Sand Castle & Other Poems. Abott C. C. Jonathan Cape . London. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32817 Lady of the Lake. Scott Walter. Blackie . London. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32866 --- अज्ञात. --- ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
32880 Saint John : A Chronicle Play In Six Scenes & An Epilogue. Benard shaw. Constable & Co. London. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
35832 Poetical Works of William Wordswarth. Wordswarth William . E. Mexton . London. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
36508 Bend In The Ganges. Malgonkar Manohar. Hamilton London. ENGLISH. POETRY. Claim Book
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