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ज्ञानाची उपासना हा समाजाच्या संस्कृतीचा मानदंड असतो. ज्ञानाला स्थल कालाच्या मर्यादा नसतात, तसेच त्याच्या उपासनेलादेखील जाती, धर्म, पंथ, भाषा, प्रांत यांची संकुचित बंधने अडवू शकत नाहीत. हेच ब्रीद मनाशी ठेवून गेली १६० वर्षे करवीर नगर वाचन मंदिर वाटचाल करीत आहे.


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Total Records : 965

Accession No. Book Name Author Publisher Subject Claim Book
29541 Face of Revolution. John Michael. Macmillan co. N. York. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29543 Indias Case for Swaraj .1. Gandhi M. K. Waman P Kabadi . Bom. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29544 Indias Case for Swaraj 2. Gandhi M. K. Waman P Kabadi . Bom. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29546 Indian Crisis. Brockway Fenner. Victor Gollancz. London. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29547 Federal Government .1. Wheare Fenner. Oxford university . London. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29549 Basis of an Indo - British Treaty . 1. Panikar K. M . Indian Conuncil of w.a. N.Delhi. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29550 Politics of Charkha .1. Kripalani J. B. Vora & co. Bom. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29551 Some Fundsmentls of Indian problem . Sitaramayya Pattabhi. --- Political Sciences. Claim Book
29552 Ruin that British wrought .1. Manshi K. M. bhatatiya vidya . bombay. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29553 On Livinig in a Revolution . 1. Huxley Julian Chatto & windous . London. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29554 Thougts and Adventures 1. Winston Churchill. Thornton B. ltd. London. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29555 Spiritual Basis of Democracy .1. Wellock Willferd. S. Gaeson .Madras. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29556 Indian Franchise CommitteeVoL III. 1. Provincial Franchise Committe. Central pub . Calcutta. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29557 Untouchable Classes Of Maharashtra.1. Bhagat M. G. University Of Cassell Co. Bombay. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29558 These TImes. Spender J. A. Cassell & co Sydney. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29559 Liberty In The Modern state 2. Laski Harold J. Penguin books ltd. England. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29560 Socialism And The National Revolution. Deo Narendra. Padma Publication Ltd. Bombay. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29562 Control of the Tropics . Kidd Benj amin. Macmillan co. N.York. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29563 How can India Become Free ? 1. Gandhi M. K. Allied Indian pub . London. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29564 Mahatma and the world . 1. Shridharani Krishnalal. Thacker & co. Bom. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29565 Britains Blockade. Clarke R. W. B. Clarendon Press. Oxford. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29566 Menace of Fascism . 1. Strachey John. Victor Godlaz.London. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29567 Up From Poverty In India . 1. Spencer Hatch D. Oxford University press .Bom. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29568 Problems of peace . 1. Laski H. J. & Zimmern. Geneva Institue .London. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29569 Anti -semitism and the Jewish Question1. Rennap J. Lawrence & W . London. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29570 Let Us Unite .1. Chandrasekharan K. Allied Indian Pub. London. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29571 Nationalisam Democracy And Freedom. 1. Roy M. N. V. B. Karnik. Bombay. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29572 Future of Dmocrancy In India . 1. Roy M. N. Radical Democradic party .Delhi. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29574 Trials of British Freedom . 1. Jackson T. A. Lawrence & ltd . London. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29575 How to think about war and peace. 1. Adler Morhimer J. Sommon & Schuster. New York. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29576 Speeches And Papers on Indian Questions 1897to 1900. 1. Dutt Ramesh Chander. Elm press. Calcutta. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29578 Imperial Germany . 1. Von Bulow Bernhard. Cassell & co .Ltd . London. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29579 Germany And England. Cramb J. A. John Murray. London. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29580 --- अज्ञात. --- Political Sciences. Claim Book
29581 Essays and Lectures on Social and poliltical subject . 1. Fawcett Henry. Macmillan & co. London. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29582 Germanys War Mania . 1. German Emperor. Etc. A.W. Shaw co. London. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29583 Will war come toIndia ? 1. Jog N. G. New book . co . Bombay. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29584 Century of Revilution. Lilly William Samuel. Campman & Hall. London. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29585 Darvinism and Politics . 1. Ritchie David R. Swan Sonneschien. London. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29586 Theory of Political Economy . 1. Stanely Jevons W. Macmillan & co. London. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29587 Future Of the Indo British common wealth . 1. Wedgwood J. C. Theosophical pub . Political Sciences. Claim Book
29589 Lamp and The Lampstand . 1. Menon K. P. S. Oxford Univer. Press ;. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29590 New Testament . 1. Williams Charles B. Moody press . Chicago. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29591 Anglo American Future .1. Gardiner A. G. Oxford Univer. press .London. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29592 Growttb and Administration of the British colonics 1837- 1887.1. Greswell W. P. Blackiw& son . London. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29593 Backward peples and our Relations with Them . 1. Johnson Harry. Oxford Univer. press.London. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29594 Question Whither India?. Coelho A. F. Thacker & co. Bombay. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29595 Mind And Face of Nazi Germany . 1. Ganguli B. N. John Murray . London. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29596 Churchills Blind -spot : India . 1. Jog N. G. New book co. Bom. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29597 Colonies And Dependenies Part I & II. Cotton J. S. & Payne E. J. Macmillan & Co. London. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29598 Englands Work In India . 1. Hunter William Wilson. Cristian Vernacular soc. Madras. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29599 And New China . 1. Vidya K. B. Thacker & co. Bom. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29600 --- अज्ञात. --- Political Sciences. Claim Book
29601 Intriduction To Political science . 1. Seeley J. K. Macmillan & co . London. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29602 Liberalism Inthe Modern world . Lothian C. H. Lovat Dickson Ltd. London. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29603 Alternative . 1. Roy M. N. Independent India .Bom . Political Sciences. Claim Book
29604 Challenge To Liberty . 1. Halifax Viscount. Clarendon Press. Oxford. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29605 God of war . 1. Mccabe Joseph. watts & co .London. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29606 Sinews Of War. Crowther Gefforey. Clarendon Press. Oxford. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29607 National Socilism and Christianity 1. Micklem N. claerndon Press .Oxford. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29608 Gestapo . 1. Giles O. C. Clarendon Press. Oxford. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29609 What Acts of war are Justitable? 1. Goodhart A. L. Clarenfon press .Oxford. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29610 Latin America . 1. Humpherys Robin A. Claerndon press. Oxford. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29611 Lies As Allies . 1. Maugham Somerset W. Oxford University press. London. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29612 42 Rebellion . 1. Sahai Govind. Raj kamal pub . Ltd . Delhi. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29613 War and Indias Freedom . 1. Lele P. R. Popular Book . Bom. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29614 Gandhis Fight For Freedom.1. Khanna R. N. Allied Indian pub . London. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29615 Froniter And Its Gnadhi.1. Brignt J. S. Allied Indian Publication. London. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29616 What Congress and Gandhi have done to the untouchables. 1. Ambedkar B. R. Thacker & co . Bombay. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29617 Science of Politics . 1. Amos Sheldon. Kegan Paul Trench. London. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29618 Indian war of Indopendence . 1. Savarkar V. D. K.B. Dhawale . Bom. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29620 Gandhi and Gandhism Vol. 2. Pattabhi Sitaramayya B. Kitabistan . Allahabad. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29621 Journey Through the war Mind . 1. Joad C. E. M. Faber & Faber .London. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29622 Heredity and Polities . 1. Harlrane H.B.S. George Allen & co . London. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29623 Indian Crisis. Brockway Fenner. Victor Gollazcz. London. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29625 Race In Europe . 1. Huxley Julian Claerndon press .Oxford. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29626 Munshi : The Man And His Message l. Munshi Kanaiyalal M . K. Munshi . Bom. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29627 Peace with the Dictators ?. Angell Norman & Buzher Doroghy Franes. Hamish Hamilton. London. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29628 Enlist India for freedom ! . 1. Thompson Edward. Victor Gollancz .London. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29629 Indian Unrest.1. Chirol Valentine. Macmillan & Co. London. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29630 Case For Federal Union. Curry W. B. Pengwin Books Ltd. England. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29631 Gandhi Muslim Conspiracy . 1. Hindu Nationalist. R.D. Ghanekar .Poona. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29632 Whrer stands Democray ? 1. Members Of Fabian Society. Macmillan & co . London. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29633 My Appeal TO The British . 1. Gandhi M. K. --- Political Sciences. Claim Book
29634 Out of Dust . 1. Karaka D. F. Thacker & Co .Bom. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29635 Darwin Marx Barzun Jacques. Little Brown & Co. Boston. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29636 Constitation of theJrish Free state. Kohn Leo. Geroge Allen & co . London. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29637 In the Fire Of the Heart . 1. Ralph W. Trine. George Bell & sons .London. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29638 Why Pakistan ? and why not? . 1. Shah Khushal Thomas. Pratibha pub . Bombay. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29639 Prospects of Civlization . 1. Zimmern Alfred Clarendon press. oxford . Political Sciences. Claim Book
29640 Colonies and Raw Materiaks . 1. Henderson H. D. clarendon press . oxford. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29641 Crowds . 1. Lee Gerild Stanley. Methuen & co . london. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29642 Speeches And weitings of M.K. Gandhi . 1. Gandhi M. K. G.A.Natesan & co . Madras. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29643 Indian Nationalism.1. Bevan Edwyan. Macimillan & Co. London. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29644 Who Is Responsible? Armageddon & After !1. Brereton Cloudesley. George G. Harrap. & Co. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29645 Liberalism And The House of Lords . 1. Jones Harry. Methuen &co . London. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29646 Indian Unrest.1. Chirol Valentine. Macmillan & Co. London. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29647 Indain Nationalisn . 1. Gupta Nagendranath. Hind Kitabs . Bom. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29648 New orientation . 1. Roy M. N. Renaissance pub .Calcutty. Political Sciences. Claim Book
29649 How to Conduct Meetings . 1. Foulsham W. W. Foulish & co . London. Political Sciences. Claim Book
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