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ज्ञानाची उपासना हा समाजाच्या संस्कृतीचा मानदंड असतो. ज्ञानाला स्थल कालाच्या मर्यादा नसतात, तसेच त्याच्या उपासनेलादेखील जाती, धर्म, पंथ, भाषा, प्रांत यांची संकुचित बंधने अडवू शकत नाहीत. हेच ब्रीद मनाशी ठेवून गेली १६० वर्षे करवीर नगर वाचन मंदिर वाटचाल करीत आहे.


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Total Records : 7800

Accession No. Book Name Author Publisher Subject Claim Book
29119 Hard To Resist. Mary Tate Engels. --- ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29120 John Updike And Rabbid Redux. Rabbit At Rest. --- ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29121 Girl For A Million Naire. Roberata Leigh. Mills & Boon ltd. London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29163 The Girl Of The Sea Of Cortez. Peter Benchley. Doubleday & Company ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29166 Untold Story. Koul B. M. --- ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29174 Journey Of Discovery. Jessica Marchant. Mills & Boon ltd. London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29176 Standing On The Outside. Lindsay Armstrong. Mills & Boon ltd. London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29177 The Price Of A Bride. Michelle Reid. Mills & Boon ltd. London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29185 The Wedding Secret. Jannelle Denison. Mills & Boon ltd. London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29189 Sondra Stanford For All Time. Silhouette Special Edutions. --- ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29190 Herozog. Saul Bellow. --- ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29198 The Lion Rock. Sally Wentowrth. Mills & Boon ltd. London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29202 ़The Scarlet Pimpernel. Dodd E. F. The Macmillan Company of India. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29217 The Willing Captive. Lee Stafford. Mils & Boon . London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29239 My Only Love. Lee Wilkinson. Mils & Boon . London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29246 No Ties. Rosemary Gibson. Mils & Boon . London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29256 The Tempestuous Flame. Carole Mortimer. Mils & Boon . London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29257 Tge Lancaster Men. Janet Dailey. --- ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29259 Innocent Deception. Rachel Lindsay. Mills & Boon ltd. London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29260 When Enemies Marry. Lindsay Armstrong. Mills & Boon ltd. London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29264 Farewell To Love. Jessica Steele. Mils & Boon . London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29274 Facts Of Love. Roberta Leigh. Mills & Boon ltd. London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29275 The Sleeping Fire. Daphine Clair. Mills & Boon ltd. London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29279 Moment Of Madness. Partricia Lake. Mills & Boon ltd. London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29280 The Bride Wore Boots. Janice Kaiser. Mills & Boon ltd. London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29291 Diplomatic Affair. Claire Harrison. Mills & Boon ltd. London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29301 Gift-Wrapped. Vicrtoria Gordon. Mills & Boon ltd. London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29313 The Unmarried Husband. Catthy Williams. Mills & Boon ltd. London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29320 Nora Roberts. Storm Warning. Mills & Boon ltd. London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29349 Perilous Refuge. Patricia Wilson. Mills & Boon ltd. London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29363 OutBack Summer. Noncy John. --- ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29371 Cupboard Love. Roberata Leigh. Mills & Boon ltd. London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29378 Apromise To Dishonour. Jessica Steele. Mills & Boon ltd. London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29379 The Way To A Mans Heart. Debbie Macomber. Mills & Boon ltd. London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29381 Reunion At Pitereeka. Kerry Allyne. Mills & Boon ltd. London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29382 A Better Loving. Lilian Peake. Mills & Boon ltd. London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29383 Biges Goes T War. Johns W. E. --- ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29393 Tug of war. Peters Sue. Mills & Boon ltd. London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29397 Enemy In Camp. Janet Dailey. Mills & Boon ltd. London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29399 It Takes A Thief. Rita Rainville. Sithouette Book. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29411 The Case Of The Conter Eye. Gardner Erle Stanley. --- ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29413 Kane And Abel. Archer Jeffrey. --- ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29420 The Spike. Robert Moss. --- ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29424 Zemindar. Valerie Fitz Gerald. --- ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29431 Death Beam. Moss Robert. Berkley Books. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29448 The Omen. David Seltzer. --- ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29466 Dark Night Dawing. Stacy Absalom. Mills & Boon ltd. London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29479 My Hearts A Dancer. Roberta Leigh. Mills & Boon ltd. London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29485 How To Help Your Husband Get Ahead. Dale Carnegie. --- ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29495 Master Of The Game. Sheldon Sidney. Warners books London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29498 Winter Stalk. James L. Stowe. --- ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
29540 The Salzyurg Connection. Maclnnes Helen. --- ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
30612 Farewell To Argument. Collise J. S. Cassell & Co. London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
30616 Clean Heart. Hutchinson A. S. M. Hadder& s. London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
32489 English Short stories of to-day. English Association. Oxford University . press. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
32927 Flashing Stream. Morgan Charles. Macmillon. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
33184 Great French Short Stories. Arnoux Alexander. World . N. York. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
33200 Great French Short Stories. Milville Lewis. E. Ben . London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
34111 My Autobiography. Chaplin Charle. Penguin . N. York. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
35888 Short Stories of H. G. Wells. Wells H. G. Ernest Benn. London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
35889 Collected Stories. Sitwell Osbert. Gerald Duckworth . London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
35910 Best of O Henry. Henry O. Hodder. London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
35911 Tested Sentences that sell. Elmer Wheeler A. --- ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
35922 Prefaces By Benard Shaw. Shaw George Bernard. --- ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
35935 Fathers and sons. Turgenev Ivan. F. L. P. Moscow. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
35936 Selected Stories. Tolsoty Alexie. F. L. P. Moscow. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
35937 Nest of the Gentry. Turgenev Ivan. F. L. P. Moscow. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
36406 Great Short Stories Of The World. Barrett H. Clark & Lieber Mamim. Spring. London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
36424 Stirring Stories For Girls. Duthie Eric. Odhams London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
36430 Nexus. Miller Henry. Nicolson London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
36441 Oscar. Sale Richard. Cassell. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
36471 Fail And Exile And The Kingdom. Camus Albert. Modern Lib. N. York. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
36505 Life of Sheridan. Sheridan Richard Brinsley. --- ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
36515 Hungrey Sotnes & Others Stories. Tagore Rabindranath. Macmillon London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
36516 ॅॅWreck. Tagore Rabindranath. Macmillon London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
36574 Famous Chinese Short Stories. Yutang Lin . W. Heineman London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
36575 Fable. Faulkner William. Chatto London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
36576 Contessions of Felix Krull Contidence Man. Mann Thomas. Seeker. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
36577 Complete Short Stories. Lawrence D. N. W. Heinmann London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
36578 Midnight Patient. Hoslvesky Egon. W. Heinmann London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
36579 Mary Barton. Gaskell Elizabeth. F.L.P. Moscow. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
36580 Awake & Reheakse. Bromfield Louis. Cassell London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
36581 Pick of Todays Short Stories. Pudney John. Putham .London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
36582 Its Diggerent for A Woman. Ward Mary Jane. V. Gollancz London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
36583 Genius & The Goddess. Huxley Aldous Chatta London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
36584 This Thing Called Happiness. Gordon Hilary. John Long London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
36585 Famous Sea Tragedies. Dyall Valentine. Hutchinson.London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
36586 Philanderer. Kauttmann Stanley. Secker London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
36587 Sandres. Wallace Edger. Hodder London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
36588 Matto Grosso. Korbiewicz Waclaw. Jonathan Cape .London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
36589 Magniticent Obsession. Douglas Lloyd C. G. Allen London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
36590 Widow Chuan. Yutang Lin . W.Heinemann London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
36591 Requiem Fof A Wren. Shute Nevil. W.Heinemann London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
36592 Lady Chatterleys Lover. Lawarence D. H. Vanguard London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
36593 Anglo Saxon Attitudes. Wilson Angus . Secker London ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
36594 Tunes of Glory. Kennaway James. Putham .London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
36595 Readres Digest Condensed Books. Readers Digest Association. R.D.A. London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
36596 Last Hurrah. Oconner Edwin. Max R. London ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
36597 Little Men. Alcott Louisa M. H. Classics London ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
36598 Festival of Fabbridge. Priestley J. B. W. Heinemann London. ENGLISH NOVEL. Claim Book
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